See. See La. See La Run.

Dekker is learning verbs. And he doesn’t want me to miss a thing! Everything Laela does is reported to me.


La! La smile!
La! Swing!
La! La sad… (not a verb, but still)
La! La pookie!
La happy!
La laugh!
La! La play!
La! La sleep!
La! La sleep – gone! (one of his favorites. Sigh.)

Today, we discovered “La! La talk!” He was so excited that she was squealing in his general direction. I agreed that Laela was talking, and asked him what he thought she might be saying. He got really excited and responded “La! La eeeeoooooooeeeee!” It was pretty much adorable. But they both really are. While Dekker screamed bloody murder in the tub this evening, Laela and I took pictures.

Enjoying some skin to skin time in my cardi after the bath
Enjoying some skin to skin time in my cardi after the bath
Happy girl, with crazy hair!!
Happy girl, with crazy hair!!

She’s beautiful and soft and I love her.

Just a quick little random story for those interested, day two of green smoothies went better. Today my smoothie pack contained only spinach, strawberries, and blueberries. I added a banana, a yogurt, and some orange juice. It was not green in color…


…but it tasted quite a bit better! Not exactly where I’d like it to be yet, but we’re getting there. I sound so picky, and I’m really not! It just tastes too watery still. I’m working on it. But that was better today, and I took fish oil and vitamins with toast, which helped a lot!! I only tasted it in my mouth for a short time afterwards, and then forgot about it. Yay!! And lastly, a new thing that I’ve started doing in the mornings that is making me feel better is doing my makeup. No, I’m not one who won’t be seen without makeup. Not at all. I don’t do much on home days like these, but it helps me feel a bit more put together. Its weirdly refreshing! All in all, it was a much more successful heathy day! Anyone else have a successful healthy day?