BEST day ever! Literally.

I actually accomplished things today, and Brady and I even took pictures of the process so I could blog about it. Rarely do I have a good blog idea until the end of the day, hence the evenings posts. However, once that was all over, I was blessed with a surprise in the early evening that could easily be another post. But I’m happy about both, so today just might be a long post. Objections? No? Good? Done.

Our church had an event tonight that Brady and I couldn’t make it to. We heard about it too late and just didn’t have time to organize things and find a sitter. However, I agreed to make a dessert for their dessert buffet. I received a request for these cheesecake-filled strawberries I make sometimes, so I spent the afternoon slowly making them. They were so pretty by the end! Hopefully its not too boring and obvious, but here’s how I did them:

I washed and dried the berries. Yes, DRY them! If not, you'll get water in your chocolate and that ruins it completely.
I washed and dried the berries. Yes, DRY them! If not, you’ll get water in your chocolate and that ruins it completely.
Cut out the green and some of the inside. I think you can actually buy a huller but I don't have one and this works just fine.
Cut out the green and some of the inside. I think you can actually buy a huller but I don’t have one and this works just fine.
I dipped them in melted chocolate chips. I'm sure Chipits or milk chocolate or candy melts would maybe be better, but I've just made them with basic semi-sweet chips from the bulk bin every time and have never had a complaint. Put them in the fridge for a good while after this, or if you have less time, the freezer would be fine. You just don't want squidgy chocolate for the next part.
I dipped them in melted chocolate chips. I’m sure Chipits or milk chocolate or candy melts would maybe be better, but I’ve just made them with basic semi-sweet chips from the bulk bin every time and have never had a complaint. Put them in the fridge for a good while after this, or if you have less time, the freezer would be fine. You just don’t want squidgy chocolate for the next part.
Cheesecake!!! Ok, its not real cheesecake fill. Every recipe I've seen for how to do this fill is very similar. One 8 oz brick of cream cheese, about 1/4 cup of icing sugar (tho some say up to 2.5 cups!), and a tsp of vanilla. However, when I make it that way, its too thick to actually pipe into the berries, so I buy whipping cream in a carton and mix it in so it gets nice and fluffy but still cheesecakey. And then I just use a ziploc bag and cut the end off. Clearly, I am NOT fancy when it comes to fancy treats.
Cheesecake!!! Ok, its not real cheesecake fill. Every recipe I’ve seen for how to do this fill is very similar. One 8 oz brick of cream cheese, about 1/4 cup of icing sugar (tho some say up to 2.5 cups!), and a tsp of vanilla. However, when I make it that way, its too thick to actually pipe into the berries, so I buy whipping cream in a carton and mix it in so it gets nice and fluffy but still cheesecakey. And then I just use a ziploc bag and cut the end off. Clearly, I am NOT fancy when it comes to fancy treats.
Two 2lb clamshells of strawberries and I had JUST enough fill!
Two 2lb clamshells of strawberries and I had JUST enough fill!

They were gorgeous! I was really happy with the outcome, and I hope they went over well at church. Hopefully I’ll know tomorrow, since my parents attended.

Being that we were close to the city, we remembered that we missed putting toilet paper on our shopping list yesterday, so we headed in to Costco. Before we had even parked, Brady spotted my beautiful friend, Hailey. I added her on Facebook years ago, after searching my maiden name and finding her. I added her for kicks, and basically the novelty of having a friend with my exact name, and through the years we have grown SO close! I absolutely adore her! We are frightfully similar and agree on almost everything. She was a big support for me when we were trying to conceive the baby we are currently pregnant with, and I like to think I was there for her when she and her husband were in the same boat. However, all of that being said, we have actually metΒ once, completely by accident, at a Walmart. This was our second meeting, and I completely chased her down in the parking lot, calling “Don’t run away from me!” I’m surprised she didn’t! I would have ran away from the crazy person chasing me down and hugging me! But when she figured it out, we had a great chat! All of us πŸ™‚ The husbands chatted a bit, I finally got to meet their new baby, etc. It was amazing and sooo unexpected! After we were all adequately frozen, we parted ways, and Costco was closed, bahahaha! We just burst out laughing and hit Superstore instead. Not a huge deal at all. Best Costco trip EVER! Hailey and Nolan, we’re really looking forward to a dinner date next week πŸ™‚

When we got home, Dekker played a little before he ate and went straight down to bed. For some reason, he likes to play in the bathroom, and hasn’t thrown anything in the toilet yet. Yet. Brady went to hang out with him in the bathroom, which was just too adorable.

IMG_0560My cute, green boys. I love them. We had such a nice day together.

Last little tidbit of the evening, I promise. As we were heading to take Dekker to bed, we saw this:

IMG_0561Dekker has this shape sorter he’s recently really trying to figure out. I know, its not one of those great Tupperware ones, but it works. I love his attempt here, but…

IMG_0562Sooooo close! But so, so backwards. I think its adorable. Great job, little dude! Definite A for effort!

Best day ever. I love today. Its only 9:20 and there is cheese pizza waiting for me.

mama jeanne

The strawberries were a absolute hit. The first plate was gone before we got to it but luckily there was a second plate. Good job Hailey. Only two left …. they went to the requesters πŸ™‚

mama jeanne

The strawberries were a absolute hit. The first plate was gone before we got to it but luckily there was a second plate. Good job Hailey. Only two left …. they went to the requesters πŸ™‚


Wow, those look amazing, we ll have to do them together some time!!:)
Love the pictures!!
And Dekker did a very good job on the shapes!:)


They’re pretty yummy I’d say. They’d sure be a treat we could share next time we’re together! And I agree, Deks did pretty good even though they’re backwards. It was a very good try!


Wow, those look amazing, we ll have to do them together some time!!:)
Love the pictures!!
And Dekker did a very good job on the shapes!:)


They’re pretty yummy I’d say. They’d sure be a treat we could share next time we’re together! And I agree, Deks did pretty good even though they’re backwards. It was a very good try!