Bit By the Tidying Bug

Really, a cleaning bug is the BEST kind of bug to be bit by, right?

For one reason or another, I finally kicked into gear yesterday and got some serious tidying done around my house! Our room has been driving me crazy, and the ensuite, too.

Maybe some of you can relate, but stuff just gets dumped in our room if it doesn’t have somewhere else to go. Or if someone is coming over, we just hide whatever is a mess in our bedroom and close the door. Or, mostly the issue, we just clean up less in there because we don’t have to, because no one else really goes up there.

However, going upstairs to a mess of a room every single day isn’t so relaxing, and its been starting to get to me. And then the ensuite is SUCH a mess, it doesn’t really feel like one can adequately clean themselves when the whole place is covered in products and gunge.

I’ve been saying for a while now, one of these days, its just going to hit me. And folks, that was yesterday.

I tidied the ensuite pretty seamlessly. Everything in there has a home, for the most part. My yummy lotion that I keep at the sink was at that frustrating point where there’s about half an inch left in the bottom but it just won’t pump anymore. I took the time to empty it out and actually washed out the bottle and filled it from a new lotion that I like more but that didn’t come in a pump. Win! I emptied my overflowing garbage, and even threw away some stupid little bathmats that we got to use at the sink but just make a mess. It looks SO much better in there!!

The bedroom was a bigger job. I went on a craft retreat last fall, and one earlier this year, and ALL of my craft stuff is still up in our room! Yup. Big lime green rubbermaid tubs, just hanging out in what is supposed to be our little haven. I also have little white plastic basins floating around with half finished projects inside, some confiscated toys, pictures the kids have drawn that they insist live upstairs, etc. Just stuff, everywhere. Balls of yarn, everywhere! ALL my fault, obviously. So I went to work, and cleared up the stuff that was easy first. Laundry where it belonged, garbage where it belonged, etc. All pens, pencils and notebooks went into my desk drawers. I made some executive decisions and threw some stuff out. Made our bed. The big part was my crafty stuff. I decided – three tubs. Two for yarn (that is WAY less than I used to have, by the way!) and one for projects I’m not currently working on but actually will eventually complete. I dug through the tubs and sorted them in a way that made sense. I rolled up balls of yarn that were tangled and messy, and combined a few that were the exact same color and brand, but were separate for some reason. The big goal here was to fit the tubs into a storage closet. And they did!! Woot! Meanwhile, the few craft projects I’m finished and am hanging onto live in a pretty little basket on my desk. The floor is WAY clearer, and it just feels brighter.

That was all yesterday, and today I’m feeling a bit itchy and twitchy to keep going. I’ve got the dishes all caught up, and I’m about halfway through laundry. I’m doing a bit of research online, and while I’m not swimming in money, I’m excited to have found a few affordable pieces that will help me get my kitchen and pantry and bit more organized! Maybe it sounds a bit silly to be excited about things like that, but you’d have to know me a few years ago to fully grasp why. We used to live SUCH a cluttered life. I think we had WAY more stuff before we had kids! Our house in Radisson was always a mess, dining table stacked with junk – dry goods groceries, jackets, bags, books, etc. Our floors and countertops were covered, and our furnace room was overflowing! Do you know, when I went to gut that room in preparation for listing the house, I found upwards of 75 EMPTY BOXES???? Just MESS! So yes, I get excited about cute little storage solutions that help things run a bit smoother around here. I want everything here to have a home, and if it doesn’t, maybe it doesn’t belong here.

I guess this whole post is basically a brag that I did things that normal people do everyday?? Hahaha! I don’t know. I think its important for me to write it out because I don’t always have that satisfying, rewarding feeling after I work hard. But sometimes I do! And for whatever reason, this has felt really good 🙂

Now to find my way to Ikea to snag a few lifesaving storage accessories…