Blog Titling is the Worst

I was just telling Brady that my least favorite part of blogging is making up titles. I actually really enjoy blogging! But often enough, I’ll title my blog, and it informs me that I’ve used that title before. I’m allowed to use it again, its not a big deal, but it drives me bonkers. About 1500 posts into this, I am running out of ideas! Hahaha! So forgive me. This post is just me talking about my day, like always.

Today was the first day this week that I didn’t have anything planned. I wasn’t put off by it at all, though. I figured I’d try to be productive, with emphasis on the word “try.” As I’ve said, it seems like any amount of physical exertion escalates my muscle pain, so beyond dishes and child minding, I don’t do too much these days. But life has to go on, and things need to get done! So I got the kids up and eating while I sorted laundry and put in the first load. Then I started on dishes, and realized that I had forgotten to run the dishwasher last night. So I loaded all of five things into it and ran it. There was no way I was washing everything left by hand, so I stacked it up nicely to complete later.

It was pretty soon after that when my mom called. I had emailed her yesterday and invited her over for lunch, and she had called to make a plan for the afternoon. I finally convinced her to come for lunch! Thank goodness we have the relationship we have, because I still could do laundry and a few other little things while she was around. She even helped with my chores, haha! Honestly, though, I didn’t get a ton done because Solly was SO unsettled today! He has great days where he’ll lay around, wide awake, and watch the world around him. Today, he just wanted to sleep, but never comfortably, it seemed. Poor kid just couldn’t get it together today, but I sure know that feeling, so I can’t fault him for it 😉

We had leftover chicken wrap stuff, just in salad form, for lunch, and had a nice visit into the afternoon. It was after lunch that I finally got a call from someone at my doctors office with my ultrasound results. They came back normal. Ugh. I was (and continue to be) so disappointed. No, I don’t want to have some big problem in there, but I’m frustrated about not knowing whats going on and therefore not knowing what direction to take. My physio will begin on the 18th, so I’ll anticipate that, but at 5.5 weeks postpartum, I’m pretty frustrated at the stage of pain I’m in unless I’m heavily medicated. Somethings got to give. Hopefully it will soon. But that was a piece of discouraging news today anyway :/ Keep praying, if you feel so inclined.

Brady came home at a good time, bearing iced coffee for me. It was delicious. We made macaroni and wieners for supper, which sounds awful but filled tummies and made everyone happy. Anything one can squirt ketchup on is a big win around here with the kids. So everyone was in good shape going into bedtime.

Three out of four are down for the night, Solly is close behind, and I am so anticipating a soak in the tub!! I did end up getting that second load of dishes in, and I finished the laundry! It was a very productive day, even if it sounds small to you guys. I feel accomplished. And I’ve earned my soak! And a snack…