Round 2: Fail

I chose to celebrate my lack of ultrasound results with a change in my medication schedule. Its not as dumb of an idea as it sounds. I think its very important that I try, once in a while, to ween off, or change up, and see if my pain is still as bad as it was. When a doctor/nurse/tech asks me a question, I should know the answer, where I’ve been giving a lot of “I don’t know, I’m on medication” answers. Do you have reflux with the pain? Does it come and go? What makes it better or worse? I don’t know, I’m on medication.

I tried a couple of weeks ago to simply ween off of three pills. Just three. And it was a fail. Today, I technically took less pills, but the main goal was to space my doses out a little bit further and see how my body handled it. Rather than taking pills every four hours, I did it every six. I combined things differently (all TOTALLY SAFE combinations, like I’ve said, nothing is too strong) so my dose was slightly larger than before, but I was waiting longer between doses. Meds at midnight, 6:00am, and noon today. At 3:30, I started to feel that pressure in my abdomen which is my sign that I’m behind. It wasn’t excruciating by any means. It was just the beginning of it. I told myself I would reassess at 4:00 and likely take at least some Tylenol then. But by 4:00, I was completely nauseous, and my head was pounding. I don’t even know if my muscle still hurt, but everything else about me felt like complete garbage.

So this post is a little downtrodden, because I am. Brady came home and gave me my meds, as I was trapped under a sleeping baby and didn’t want to disturb him. But I did anyway, and am now upstairs, in our room, laying flat on my back, which is the only thing I’ve heard that could possibly help my pain at this point. Apparently even just sitting in a chair is using the muscle thats angry because its holding my head up. Assuming its an angry muscle at all. Ugh.

All things considered, I’m glad I tried this today. Its the best time for it. I’ll be all caught up for Saturday, and we have nothing planned this evening. So if I spend this evening in bed, I do. I hope not to! I hope to catch up. But I’m feeling pretty ridiculous, and I can’t take more medicine until 8:00. So wish me luck. Or wish Brady luck. Thats probably smarter.