Camping in Photos: Part 1

Yes, friends, today and tomorrow’s posts are going to be pure pictures, because there are just too many and I can’t bring myself to purge them! Yikes! The kids were SO cute! We got super dirty, ate yummy food, and really settled into our camper. It was easier than I thought it would be 🙂

Sooooo, from the beginning. And by “beginning” I mean once we actually got into our camper, lol!

Dekker wanted a job immediately, so while everyone went to go play, he unpacked all the mattresses and sleeping bags, and put pillows and stuffies where they belonged.

All of the kids settled in really easily.

These Ikea shelves are perfect for water bottles! Take note, parents!

Our bed is out in the main living area, so I put pillows against the long wall, and there was always a kid or two snuggled up on the bed, reading or chatting. It was so comfy.

Our first night! Kid shelves for the win!

The late night fire was fun, but short lived. The little ones would’ve never fallen asleep had we not gone in, lol!

The first morning there was really cute.

Breakfast was cinnamon buns from Costco.

We didn’t have a picnic table right away, so we made do with what we were able to bring ourselves, which was a tiny little picnic table, a wagon, a couple of lawn chairs, and a chopping block. It worked!

Doesn’t it look like Solly and Wavy are on a little date?? I love how she’s sitting, facing him like that. Just drinking some milk together.

We finished breakfast up and went on a long moseying kind of walk. We took our time, took lots of pictures, and got to know the property and some of the people.

My little Gap kids!

These are the solo pictures the kids posed for, haha!

Its possible Rowan fell down the hill after his photo…

No word of a lie, that was the rest of our morning! We just puttered. It was SO wonderful! And adorable, as you can plainly see!

I’ll show you the rest of our first weekend there tomorrow 😉