Going and Coming Back

We are home again, and as you’ve likely noticed, we took Summer with us and returned with Autumn. My goodness! Just overnight, hey? It was crispy upon arrival, but still sun and beautiful enough for shorts and tshirts!

And this afternoon, it looked 110% different!

I have to say, though, I don’t really have a preference. I LOVE being warm, out in the sun, watching the kids play without care. But I also LOVE the rain, and the waves, and the clouds! The snuggles to keep warm don’t hurt either.

There is a LOT to share about our weekend, and by that, I mean I have a LOT of cute pictures of the kids to spam you with, haha! But I’ll leave you with some beautiful ones from last night that Cher edited for me, to make them really pop!

It is clear that this place has very easily become our home away from home. We are so settled there already, like we’ve always been there, somehow. We are SO thankful!

I’ll tell you aaaaall about it tomorrow. Sleep tight, friends. 🥱😴