Catching up

I so rarely see my girlfriend, Hailey, anymore. She came all the way out today so spend time with us, and it was sooo nice to catch up a bit! We text often enough, but its so much easier to really get into deeper conversation in person. We hung out in our jammies while the kids played and napped.  Brady was sweet and made us lunch 🙂 Thanks, beb. It was such a sweet morning/afternoon with people I really love. Again soon, please.

Somehow, though, I caught a chill in the afternoon and haven’t been able to shake it. My feet have been freezing for hours now! Everyone in this house has a cold, so we already feel crappy and could do without the chills. I’m a bit grumpy about it, but hopefully the bath will help me shake it off sooner or later.

Remember when I used to watch my YouTube channels all the time? I definitely don’t get to keep up with a few of them anymore, which is disappointing in a way, but also makes perfect sense. They are NOT priority at all. My favorite YouTube mom fell off the map for a couple of months, and has just reappeared. This evening, she put up videos detailing her experience delivering her son. He was born over a year ago, and she had never shared the birth story on YouTube before. The story was told in a series of maybe fifteen five minute videos, and I have to say, it broke my heart. No, she didn’t get a lot of things that she had hoped for. Her birth plan went out the window. I can’t blame her for not sharing the story sooner – it had clearly rocked her. While I still run Laela’s birth over and over in my head everyday, I am thankful for how she came in comparison to this mom’s story. I was not physically abused by hospital staff. I had my husband with me every second of my delivery. Nurses weren’t impatient with me. No, Laela’s birth didn’t go according to my plans either, but I was not treated like a piece of meat.

I’m so thankful this evening for how things played out three months ago at the hospital. IMG_0737