Just Another Day…

Brady’s parents left this morning. We all got up mid-morning to have a breakfast of eggs and toast together. It was so nice to be together for those few days, catching up in person. It so rarely happens with the ten hour drive between us. We sure love you guys!

Once we were on our own, we decided to head to the city and run a few mundane errands. You know that list of things to pick up that just sits, because its neither urgent nor unnecessary? Yup. That was us. Getting new water jugs for our dispenser, more patches for Dekker, things like that. The deciding factor was permission from our friends to come to the hospital and meet their beautiful new baby girl!! I didn’t know babies were made so teeny tiny! So we got the kids ready, played toys for about an hour, and then headed out.

The first place we hit was Babies R Us, for bottles. We use these great bottles, but they’re fairly pricey, and we only have a few. As in we don’t have enough to get us through a full day. We don’t usually end up at Babies R Us, but we had a great time! We had $100 in gift cards for Laela there, and since we are sooo stocked up for the moment on clothes and baby toys, we purchased a few more bottles, pink car seat strap covers, and one of those mirrors so we can see her from the front seat. We have just enough left over for a Jonny Jump, but they were out of stock, so we’ll either wait a bit or order online. Thanks for the gift cards!!!

We went to the chiropractor afterwards. Laela is twisted worse than I have ever seen her. She is LOVING standing, and is quite insistent that she should be that way 95% of her waking moments. When I stand her on my lap, facing out, I can see just how sideways she is. Its sad 🙁 So I called for an appointment this morning and got one for mid afternoon. She was asleep in her seat when Dr. Mike came in to treat her. It was so sweet! She was bobbing all over the place, and slowly woke up, giving him a big smile. It is just so heartwarming to watch him nuzzle her and love her the way he does. It feels so safe and family oriented. He treated her for quite a while and gave me some tips on how to hold her differently. We need to bring her in within a week, so she’s obviously pretty messed up. I’m on it, though! I learned.

We did a quick stop in at Walmart to pick up one or two things for our friends new baby, and I don’t know if you guys have been there recently, but the lines are INSANE! The “express” checkout seemed considerably less effective with only three tills open and the line three times as long as the regular lines. Oh well. It moved ok. Its not like I wasted a half hour standing in a line. Life goes on.

I deserted my family in the car while I went to meet new baby Lexie. Laela has a cold and Dekker’s voice is a bit raspy, so I didn’t feel right about bringing them in to meet such a fresh little life. Thanks, Brady 🙂 It was so nice to see our friends happily holding their baby girl, all tucked away in a private room. Baby was squawking with me, and only quieted when she was back with her parents. I loved it. She knows she’s safe with them. Can’t wait to hold her again! And again. And again…

That was pretty much the end of our day in the city. We filled the car with gas and bought a box of diapers for emergencies, but both kids are officially in cloth diapers tonight!!! Yay us! I know, call us crazy. We’ll see how it goes, but I’m optimistic.

Our kids slept on the drive home, and were fairly groggy for the rest of the evening. We were home in enough time for Dekker to get some playtime in after supper, but he was starting to feel pretty sick. So he had toast and fruit for supper, and then we played cars and watched a bit of tv downstairs. Brady paused the show at one point to ask me something, and Dekker immediately started saying “Bum. Bum. Upstairs.” and started heading up. Of course he started to get sad immediately, but he was clearly ready for a fresh diaper and bedtime. So he’s in bed, Laela’s having some milk. She is surprisingly awake for being so sick, but she is incredible these last few nights! We lay her down wide awake, and she sleeps. No crying, no fussing. She either gets still and falls asleep right away, or she flaps for a bit first. Even this sick, she’s an excellent sleeper. So once she’s down, I’m getting into my tub and turning on Netflix and having a NORMAL evening!! I love Christmas and all the hubbub that comes with it, but I’m looking forward to Netflix and a bubble bath tonight.