Change of Plans

We met with our small group from church tonight, and had a HUGE feast!! We all usually bring a part of the meal, but by the time I figured out what ti bring, everything was accounted for, so we brought all of nothing. But the ham, gravy, mashed potatoes, caesar salad, and asparagus did NOT disappoint! A yummy whipped cherry cheesecake to top it off was more than perfect! I’m still hungry thinking about it, yet I could eat it all again. It was a delicious night.

My original plan was to arrive in town early and make my part of the meal there so I could bring it hot. Since that changed, I knew I could leave my home to arrive there at a normal time. My only other plan was to go be with a friend whose husband was in surgery. I wanted to drop in and just bring some love and support and prayer. I have had this plan in mind for quite some time, but I felt convicted this morning that it was unwise for me to bring Dekker into quite that situation. I called and spoke to a nurse about whether or not that particular ward was kid-friendly, and while she said he would be more than welcome, that it was a ward with lots of ill people and that she personally would not bring her kids there. I decided that my beautiful friend would likely be more concerned about Dekker’s health, and perhaps our presence there wouldn’t be the blessing I was hoping for. So I’ve been praying from here and hopefully she and her family can feel that.

So neither of my plans worked out, which sometimes leaves me feeling annoyed and scattered, but I embraced it and let Dekker sleep in as long as he could. However, that has consequences at our house.

Dekker’s poor bum. Sigh. Its awful and red and he screams and screams. He’s fine while I get him on his change table but as soon as I touch his diaper, he grabs the sides of his change table mattress and starts screaming in fear. Its hard to even tell if he’s still in wicked pain or just terrified. As wrong as it sounds, tonight, all his red bumps turned into yeast, and I was sooo excited!! We’ve been holding the yeast off for a little while, knowing those red bumps were just dying to turn white, and I know the yeast hurts him the most, but when it finally gives in and all turns into yeast, then those creams work sooo much better! So I’m hoping that now, with the real yeast to deal with, we may be able to clear this stinking thing up! There’s hope.

After some solid naked time, we had cuddle time, which was just the BEST!





Probably the best bedtime buddle pictures we’ve ever gotten 🙂 Love this boy.


mama jeanne

so sweet….. times you will never forget and someday you will tell Dekker about it and He will smile 🙂