Look what I can do!

Today felt like a relatively normal Sunday. I haven’t felt normal for a little while but today seemed good. Church, lunch, cards, home. Pretty nice! We had a HUGE lunch of pork chops and mashed potatoes, carrots, and the yummy shrimp thing our friends made us a week ago. So. Full. So Brady and I just had garlic toast and caesar salad for supper, haha 🙂 It was delicious. Now for dessert in the tub.

But before that, I realize I haven’t written about Dekker’s latest talents! Well, I may have posted them here or there, so if none of this is new, just blame my pregnancy brain and forgive me. A lot of these, he learned a while ago but stopped doing them. Thankfully, they’re back!

Dekker growls reeeaaally well! He waves quite a bit now. He’ll dance with his little head wobble, or he’ll spin in circles, or he’ll jump, or he’ll point his fingers out and bounce. He’ll also just spin if you ask him to. He’ll show you his belly if you ask. He squats, which is actually a kind of hilarious sight to see. And he’s actively working on standing on one leg. I’ll be honest and say he’s terrible at it, haha! But he’s almost always trying it on carpet so I’m not as concerned when he goes over, nor is he. He’s a total blast these days. Um, and he says “six.” Ya, I have no idea. Turns pages, says “six, six, six, six…”

We’ve also given him his first ever naked time! He hasn’t really ever run around naked, especially these days where he’s pooping up to five times. But with this diaper rash, we are trying everything, including naked time. Sooo many hilarious pictures later, we decided to do it again. I believe naked evenings may just be something Dekker will get to partake in. (*I should clarify here, this is not a family event.) He is so happy to run around naked and play toys. I’m not quite sure how I feel about posting those pictures on my blog, but trust me that he is completely adorable. He still has a little pot belly, and his thighs are HUGE, but he is muscle!!! I’ll be scared of him in a couple of years, I’m sure. We have good fun anyway 🙂 Naked evenings are the best.

The end of a somewhat haphazard post. I hear a bath running and maybe if I really listen, I might be able to hear some kind of dessert being prepared??! Yum.

mama jeanne

I remember a little tiny girl who absolutely loved naked time…hmmmmm….like mommy like son 🙂 And yup…that shrimp was scruptious. Today I fried up the 7 that were left and savored each one. Yum. I love you guys!


Oh good! I’m so glad the leftovers were good too! And yes, awkwardly enough, I remember how much I loved naked time 🙂 No complaints, as long as he doesn’t poop on the floor.