Cleaning and Company

Brady and I have the pleasure of having his brother, sister in law, and three nephews over for the weekend! However, being who we are, our house was nowhere near ready for company so today while Brady was at work, my mom came over and helped with the kidlets and getting stuff set up. Laundry was done, toys were tidied, dishes, were done, floors were swept, etc. It was a lovely day with her. I grew so accustomed to having her out almost every day after Laela was born, but then she went on a trip and we got busier, and our days together came to a roaring halt. I miss you, mom.

When Brady came home, he took a quick shower before helping me with the last few things that needed doing. For the second evening in a row, Dekker was tired and super grumpy getting up from his nap, so he was fairly hands on. We finally decided that our guests probably love us whether or not the carpet was vacuumed, and just played toys downstairs. Then we put Dekker through further torture and bathed him. But bedtime cuddles were fun. He loves coming and jumping on our bed, cuddling, tickling our feet, and kissing Laela. Its always nice to see him happy for those ten or so minutes.

Dan and Char and their boys showed up around 9:00 and we had a really nice long visit in the living room while their kids played and got acquainted with the house. Its around after 11:00 and its time for bed for all of us. My feet are throbbing for some reason, so I’m happy to have them up. Hopefully Laela stays good and tired too. She has already slept a lot this evening.

Sleep well, friends. Oh, and happy fake Canadian black friday! We bought a wireless printer online. Anyone else pick up something cool?