
Oh my gosh guys! It’s sooo late! Or early I suppose! We had such a great day with Dan and Char and the boys. We got in lots of visiting, Char and I drove to Saskatoon for a quick trip, and Dekker played sooo well with his cousins! Those boys sought him out and played all his games, even when it was just tossing a ball around. Dekker idolized them, and it was great to watched.
The kids were all down before 9:00 and only now have we ended the visit for the day and went to our respective rooms. But what a great visit πŸ™‚ I can’t believe their entire family made such a long trip just to spend the weekend with us. We are truly blessed.
But as I said, it’s late. And I’m starving. Time for crackers and cheese and sleep. Likely, well fall asleep and Laela will wake us up almost immediately. It’s ok. I love her.
What a great day πŸ™‚


This entry was like having a long drink of cool, pure water. I’m so glad you are blessed with loving extended family. SWEET!