Convos with the Kiddos

Sitting quietly, watching a bit of tv, feeding Rowan on my lap…

Dekker: I’m not going to have a rest today?
Me: Yes, you’ll need a rest.
Dekker: Why I need to have a rest for?
Me: You feel so much better in the evening when you have a rest.
Dekker: When I’m going to have a rest?
Me: Once this show is over.
Dekker: (nods) Ok. I won’t whine.
Me: Wow! I would love that sooo much!
Dekker: Why you don’t like it when I whine?
Me: Do you like it when I whine?
Dekker: No.
Me: Thats why. Its not very nice, is it?
Dekker, Nope, its not.
Laela: *places bowls precariously on Rowans stomach*
Me: Laela, could you please put those bowls back on the table?
Laela: Nooo…
(show ends)
Me: I think we’ll watch just a little bit longer while Ro finishes his bottle.
Dekker: No rest?
Me: You will have a rest, just once Rowan finishes his bottle.
Dekker: That makes me happy! I won’t even whine!
Me: That would be great! Great attitude, bud.
Dekker: You like my happytude?
Me: I really do.
(Ro finishes his bottle)
Me: Laela, could you please take these bowls?
Laela: Ya. (takes bowls)
Me: Ok then, thats it, guys! Let’s go upstairs!
Dekker: Ok, mommy! Mommy, did you hear me say “ok?” I didn’t whine!
Me: I did, yes! Great job, Deks! (heading up the stairs) Where’s Laela?
Laela: Mommy!
Me: Where are you, Laela?
Laela: (tipping the bowls into the kitchen sink) Hi, mommy!
Me: Wow, great job, Laela! Thank you so much for putting those away!
Dekker: Good job, Laela! (claps madly) Laela is so sweet.
Me: You both are. I’m so proud of your attitudes.
Dekker: (Climbing into his bed) I took my glasses off already, mommy.
Me: (getting Laela tucked in) Thats great!
Dekker: Snuggle me?
Me: Definitely! (lay my head on Dekker’s chest for a few seconds)
Dekker: Ok mommy, good night!
Me: Haha! Ok Dekker. Good night. I love you. I’m so proud of you for being so agreeable!
Dekker: Iloveyousomuchgoodnightmommy!
Me: Sleep well, kids.
Dekker: You too, mommy.
Me: (walking out the door)
Dekker: I didn’t even whine!!

Can anyone guess what we’ve been working on recently with Dekker? 😉