Housework and an Outing

We rocked a relaxed morning around here, as per usual. Just coffee and breakfast, and then some quiet tv while the kids played. Jessica and I got in lots of visiting and catching up, which was lovely. Its been such a long time since we’ve been really in touch. This was a much needed visit 🙂

Once the kids went down, my craziness took over and Jessica was a great sport, helping me tidy some stuff around the house. We did some crazy cleaning to get the house looking “sale” ready again, and then we did our makeup in the dining room together.

Dekker and Laela woke up around 3:00pm, and we quickly got them ready and out the door. We picked Brady up from work and made our way to the newly opened Kinsmen Park!! Today they were offering free rides, so it was crazy busy, loud, and lined up, but we still wanted to at least go check it out. Jessica offered to stand with and occupy Ro so we could take the kids on the carousel, and they LOVED it!! Dekker was so excited right off the hop, wondering when it was going to “spin.” Laela was hesitant at first, and tried to squirm down a bit, but I climbed onto the horse with her and sat her a bit more on my lap, and she seemed to at least accept that she had to stay. Of course, halfway through their first time around, I asked if she was having fun, and she loudly squealed “YA!” So thats always comforting. I’m happy when they’re happy.

After a few rounds and balloons for both kids, we headed back to the van. It would have been fun to stay longer but it was SO HOT and we just knew it wasn’t going to happen. We grabbed some food from a nearby asian restaurant and opted for a quick picnic before driving home.

Kids went down, adults got dessert and coffee, we watched a movie, and now its 1:00am!!! SO! Total fail time wise today, thats for sure. I’m not taking much time to expand on anything really, or even add the beautiful picture we got today, but that one might have to come up in a follow up post soon. Its so good!!! But I am now tired, and poor Brady will have to get up in a very short period of time to go to work 🙁 So, to bed we go!! I hope you’re all sleeping well!