Crazy Errand Day: Part 1

I hope I can get todays events in order! It was sooo busy and honestly, I’m really, really sore. It was a great day, which I feel like I can’t always say about the busy ones these days, but it truly went as smoothly as possible! Dekker hardly slept at all and had very few meltdowns. It was uneventful that way, but super eventful in every other way.

Our first stop of the day was getting my hair done. My appointment was for 11am so we knew we had to be out the door by 10am. An hour is a lot, given that my hair place is on the north end of Saskatoon, but there is sporadic construction everywhere right now, including on the highway, so you never know how long things will take. I did, however, get to my hair appointment about twenty minutes early and she was ready and waiting! So I got in early and discussed with her my thoughts of changes I might like to make. While I actually really like the straight up white blonde, I have to wear make up with it. Otherwise I look super white, and not always in a pretty way. I don’t mind this, as I almost always have a bit of makeup on, but I thought instead of looking ill in all the new baby photos (or instead of looking more ill and tired than a new mother should look) I would add a bit of something extra to my hair to give me something different. I don’t know if that makes sense but its also just fun to try new things 🙂 Voila!

IMG_2169I think its fun anyway. Plus it will give me some extra time to grow my roots out before I go back in for a touch up. Seems like the perfect time for a change like this.

We hit up the chiropractors office afterwards, and I got in trouble. I have been feeling AMAZING recently, virtually pain-free! Until yesterday. I don’t know what happened, as it was my first day at home with almost nothing to do, but I did something and my pubic bone was HORRIBLE! My legs wanted to tear off and my lower back sucked. It was sooo painful, and it carried on overnight and into the day. So I was pretty pumped I made my appointment for today instead of Thursday. I got in trouble for not wearing my belt. I just thought that I was feeling well enough to let it sit for a while, but I guess I should have been using it preventatively. My bad. So I got heck, and I definitely paid for it. I am sore. The treatment was one of the more painful ones I’ve had, but I know its working already and for that I’m so thankful!

I had three things to look for at Walmart so we headed to one that we don’t usually go to. I knew for a fact that one of things we were looking for was not at our regular location. And we struck out. Not one of the things on our list could we find. We bought a ball of yarn and a funny red chair for Dekker. Didn’t exactly think that one through…

IMG_2171(* Happy to report that he loves it though!)

We went back to our familiar Walmart to look for the other items at least and struck out again. Lame. Oh well, none of them were “must haves” so I guess its ok. While at the second Walmart, we jogged over to Old Navy and bought Halloween costumes for Dekker and baby girl. I know, its not like she’ll be anywhere near enjoying candy, but we’re going to take Dekker out and who doesn’t want to dress a one month old up in something soft and bring her along?!?! My kids are going to be sooo cute in their costumes! And I know its really early to purchase costumes, but they were already on sale for 40% off and there was almost nothing in a baby size, so I’m glad we went when we did.

Finally finished in that section of the city, we headed downtown to meet up with our goldsmith. If you remember, Brady designed a beautiful family ring for me last year. We can’t do the birthstone concept because even just Brady and I together have non-matching birthstones, and Dekker makes them even worse. So instead, with every child we have, we’re building the ring up with thing pieces of gold. Its hard to explain. I’ll take a picture once its finished with its upgrade this time around. Anyway, our guy has a crazy busy month so he’s asked us to call and bring in the ring at the end of the month and we’d get it back within the week likely, as opposed to him taking it today and not giving it to us for weeks. So the ring currently has a strand of yellow gold for Dekker and will soon have a strand of rose gold for baby girl. I cannot WAIT to get it all done and wear it proudly to celebrate her life!

Our last stop was to pick up a mouse for my parents. Weirdly, their computer mouse wore out in the spot where my mom clicks it the most! So we stopped at OTV and bought an $8 mouse, quickly stopped in at my parents to set it up for them, and then headed home.

It is sooo good to be home! Dekker ate and played and is now in bed. He was surprisingly energetic this evening for having barely napped at all in the day, but he was also pretty touchy and had a bit of an attitude, so we know he was feeling it. He would just rather have stayed playing than having to go to bed. I know that feeling too. Can’t blame him. But he is now in bed and supper is in the making! Its going to be a nice quiet evening around here (I hope) and then not a whole lot is planned for tomorrow. A home day for the family. Hopefully packing for babys birth. Yay us!