First Home Day Since…..

I can’t remember the last day I had like this. I LOVE having company over, and I LOVE going out. I especially like these things because I know they won’t be on my schedule right away after baby girl comes. Get my kicks in now, right?

But of course, a quiet day at home is a nice change, and with the way I’m tiring out so fast these days, perhaps a much-needed change of pace. I spent the morning catching up on some YouTube channels that I follow, and chatting with one of my girlfriends on the phone. I ate a chocolate muffin in my bed and relaxed. I WOKE Dekker at about 1:45pm when I decided he was just nuts. He was definitely asleep but rested and happy to be awake. Since it was already past lunchtime, I fed him as much food as I could stuff into him and threw all the laundry downstairs while I had him strapped in at the table. His diaper pail smelled like toxic waste so I opted to do that load of laundry first and follow it up with our clothes, Brady’s work clothes, and baby clothes. Not much laundry to do, but still nice to have it done.

Dekker and I played downstairs and did laundry for the rest of the afternoon. I had a pretty hard time with him this afternoon, actually. He is taking more and more spills and really, really hurting himself. I’m having to decide whether I even want to patch him! I called the specialists office that I’m hoping to go to for a second opinion, and the doctor hasn’t gotten to my referral yet, which I totally understand! It was just send through at the end of last week, and she has to read it and decide whether to squeeze him in sometime soon or just book him into the next open slot, which would be in the new year. I’m really struggling with what to do next while I wait for the decision, but after talking to my mom on the phone this evening, we put together a few ideas of things to try over the next week or two that might give some insight. I feel better having those ideas on hand. She also pointed out to me that Dekker maybe isn’t as scared as I feel he might be. He is always with us. He is never left. If he trips, we comfort him. If he’s unsure, we carry him. if he’s hungry, we feed him. He doesn’t have to be constantly afraid or uncertain because he is cuddled, held, hugged, and kissed more than the average adult is in a day. Hopefully we’re right, and he does feel safe. That really made me feel calm about how our afternoon played out.

Deks went back down for a nap around 5pm and Brady brought subs home for supper. We watched a bit of TV before waking baby son up again for food and the evening. He ate the last quarter of my sub that was leftover and then raced around the house with us while we installed the video monitor we got from Costco, continued with the laundry, and switched out his mattress. Ready to see what morning workouts did to his old mattress?


IMG_2165Yup, those are the springs sticking out the sides!!! Sooo thankful to the lovely lady at church who was giving a crib mattress away. That one is in almost new condition 🙂 Thank you!!

Tomorrow is a FULL city day. Getting my hair redone, chiropractor appointment, going to our jeweller to possibly put more gold into my family ring to represent our baby girl, looking at Halloween costumes, buying another big storage tub, aaaaand…I think thats it! I hope thats it anyway. Thursday is a big day too, filled with my prenatal appointment, leg waxing appointment, a stop at Cravings, Dollarama, Superstore, and Extra foods, with an evening spent at the church at a music committee meeting. Perhaps one day my baby will come and then I will be happily “stuck” at home for a little while 🙂

Now Dekker is in bed (however, not at all asleep! This video monitor is going to be entertaining…) and we are running a bath and anticipating a snack. This last batch of nectarines sucked 🙁 I’m kind of grumpy about that but maybe they’re still ripening. We’ll have to see. Definitely craving chocolate milk today.