Create Weekend

I spent the weekend at a craft retreat for the first time in a long time! It was SO nice, for a handful of reasons. 

I enjoyed the change of scenery and the break from mommming.

I enjoyed meeting new friends and laughing, story telling, and getting to know them.

I enjoyed the food.

I enjoyed getting an exciting new crocheting project going.

Most importantly, I enjoyed being about to work on something I enjoyed without crazy repercussions!!! My hands held up, thanks to my staying on top of my med schedule, and taking lots of breaks. 

Everyone sat at tables, except me. They put out a big comfy chair for me to snuggle into close to the rest of the group, which was SO thoughtful. Most people who attend either scrapbook or quilt, so they need tables, but I didn’t. My setup was the best setup. 

I stayed up until 2:30am or 3:00am each “night,” which I haven’t done willingly in forever, and it was SO fun. Exhausting, haha! But fun 🙂 

The food was delicious and the crafting was also excellent! I got so much more done than I expected!

Pretty, right?? 😍 

I’m home now, unpacked, and ready for a cozy evening at home! Good thing the Corona virus didn’t keep us quarantined at the retreat. Or is it…? 🤔