So it Begins

So it begins. 

You guys all know what I’m talking about. 

The Corona Virus, COVID-19, is upon us. Whether you think its a scary, deadly problem or just a dumb over blow inconvenience, it’s undeniable that its having an effect on just about everything, everywhere. The topic is pretty controversial in terms of perspective, so I’m not going to delve into all of that. 

Because of the situation at hand, schools are closed. Indefinitely. Many are speculating all across the map whether it’ll be a couple of weeks, months, or until Fall. There’s no way to know for sure at this point, so we’re going to do what we can to make the best of it! 

Conveniently/unfortunately/fortunately, my big kids have colds bad enough that I decided to keep them home today, and then this all happened in the afternoon! So, now that we have our answer for the time being, it would seem we’re jumping into quarantine with everyone else!! 

What a bizarre time. I never thought I’d say something like that in my lifetime, but 🤷‍♀️ here we are! Brady went for a good solid grocery shop today after work, so hopefully that will last us a nice long while 😊

Time to get a bit extra creative with our food. Learn how to homeschool, however loosely. Maybe finally start up a chore chart. Potty train. We’ve got nothing but time!!