Day 3

P1010698Ok, seriously? I left a cooler full of snow in my dining room yesterday, left it there all day while I was gone, and came back to a dirty hunk of snow in the bottom of an empty cooler. Why do I even try?

Day 3 of no water. I hid out at my parents for the day yesterday. Being here alone just makes me anxious and frustrated. So I left and relaxed with family, and I even got a shower! When I arrived home, it was later in the evening, maybe 11pm-ish. We saw no work crews or work trucks anywhere. A section of one road was barricaded off but that was about the extent of it. We found a phone message on our machine regarding the present situation. It said things like “sorry about this little hassle” and “please be patient.” Another thing they said was that they think they know where the leak is now, but unfortunately they dug up on the wrong spot, so they need to fill it in and dig again. The earliest we’ll see water in Wednesday. Just our street.

So that being said, prepare for at least one more boring, pessimistic post like this. I apologize to those of you who normally appreciate a light-hearted family post. Just sooo not in the mood to fake the way I feel these days.