Dear Doctor Guselle

Dear Doctor,

I appreciate you so much. I’ve received all kind of medical care in my life and yours is above all the rest. Never before have I had a doctor who trusts me the way you do. Never before has my opinion mattered so much. Never before has my mental health been held just as high as my physical health. My kids have been cared for so lovingly. Never have we been in an appointment with you where you haven’t addressed each of them individually. You are an exceptional woman. I couldn’t ask for better care from a more understanding person.

When I brought Rowan in to you, all I had was stories of frustration and a big baby boy who was certainly not wasting away. You listened to me ramble off our stories before asking me what I thought it was. I told you my suspicions, and you thought about it for a second before saying “Well, its not a perfect theory, there are some holes in it, but I think thats a very safe place to start!” You had witnessed no symptoms, only a thriving child bouncing on the lap of an exhausted, discouraged mama. I know, you probably would have reached the same conclusion about him without my input, but I LOVE you for letting me weigh in.

Because of you doing this for us two weeks ago, I have a completely different baby. He eats SO much better! Not perfect, but he is leaps and bounds ahead of where he was. He is sleeping like a champ as well, while he was an overtired mess at our visit with you. He actually gave us a full nights sleep, finally, last night. But best of all, my Rowan is engaged. He is RIGHT THERE. His face is bright, and his eyes are shining. He has always been handsome, but he has never looked like this. He has color, and pizzaz, and LIFE. You have brought his quality of life up immensely.

I cannot thank you enough for helping my boy feel so much more comfortable.  You know that delicious feeling, after you feed a baby, and he’s all dozey and squishy, and you can wrap him up and rock him and cuddle him while he lays in your arms, mostly asleep, blissfully unaware of his surroundings? I have never had that with Rowan, until now. How I have missed that!! THANK YOU for giving me my baby boy. And thank you for valuing my hunch as his mommy and giving him exactly what he needed. I value you SO very much, I hope one day I can actually explain to you how much you mean to our family.

My deepest thanks,
Hailey (& Rowan)

PS: I wish we could have seen you today at his check up. I know you’ll be so happy to read in his chart that he’s gained 1.5 lbs in the last two weeks! You really gave us exactly what we needed. THANK YOU.