Gun Shy

We weren’t feeling quite brave enough to tackle church today after the whole debacle last week with having to leave the service in a less than ceremonious way, aka very loudly. We, instead, took the kids to the city for breakfast at Tim Hortons, to do something just as a family. Our regular Tims location is currently under renovation, and was drive-thru only. We drove to a different location nearby that we’ve only ever driven thru, but Tim Hortons is Tim Hortons, right?

When we got there, I noticed all of the bagels were jalapeno, tomato, or other more “lunchy” kinds. I asked if there were any more plain ones rather than the tomato or jalapeno. The cashiers response was “Yes, we have jalapeno.” I finally got my message across, and yes, they had some plain ones kicking around. So we ordered some of those for the kids. I had planned to order them the yummy yogurt that I like to much. I noticed that they have greek yogurt now, which the kids haven’t had before. So I asked if they only carried the greek yogurt, or if they had the original kind as well. The answer – “We have strawberry and vanilla.” So you can imagine that we were off to a bit of a rough start, but we finally got what everyone wanted and paid up.

We went to pick a table while we waited, and I went to find a high chair for Rowan, who now hates sitting in his stroller when its not moving. He much prefers being up with all of the action now. After a full sweep around the restaurant, I went and asked at the front if there were high chairs. Same woman I ordered from. She looks at me like there are watermelons growing out of my ears, and says “Ummm, no, haha, we don’t have high chairs.” How foolish am I to assume a family-friendly fast food establishment would have high chairs? My bad, my bad.

Anyway, I know, this is a big whiny post, and honestly, if I have any choice, I’ll likely not bring my family there again. BUT!, the kids were happy with their food and were very happy for the outing, blissfully unaware of the annoyance Brady and I were feeling. Happy kids makes almost everything better, so we enjoyed our food and got out of there once everyone was done. Everything boiled down to the right stuff, and thats what matters in the end.

My parents came over for the rest of the day! We shared lunch and supper with them, and got caught up on some visiting before they’re soon heading out on a trip to BC to visit some family. Its always nice to spend Sundays at their house, but we really desire to host them more often, and today was a good day for that. Hopefully there are many more days like this in our future. Who knows. Maybe eventually we’ll even live MUCH closer to them, and it’ll be even EASIER!!! We keep praying, and ask you all to do the same 🙂