Dekker Turns Ten

I cannot believe my firstborn is ten 🥺😭 What a huge year it’s been! I am honestly somewhat devastated to say I don’t have pictures of Dekker from every month of the last year but please take my word for it that I am enamoured beyond belief with this boy. 😍

Dekker is really coming into his own, which I think I say every year. He is open and honest about wanting/needing his alone time, though he thrives in a confident friend group where he finds belonging. He has found some of those beautiful solid friends this summer at the lake, and I know he will feel that hit when the campsite closes for the season. He built a very exclusive fort in the trees for he and his friends. Sometimes it’s full of little boys, and other times, he wants to hang out in there alone. It’s cute either way.

Dekker has excellent humour too. It’s dry when sarcastic. I wonder where he got that from 🤔 Regardless, he’s just on the edge of being a little bit snarky, so we’re reining in the sarcasm lately and trying to be funny whilst being totally polite. Lol! As you can imagine, it’s a delicate balance.

I am SO anticipating this next school year for Dekker. Not because I want him out of the house, but GRADE FIVE!!! He is SUCH a big kid!!! He’ll be old enough to do some of the actual work they have students do in elementary school, like setting up chairs or supervising things. Crazy. But they’re lucky to have him. Dekker loves enforcing rules 😆 #bossypants #notasbossyaslaela

Dekker has had some fun opportunities that he’ll never forget. He played the claw machine with Cher and brought home studies just for his sisters 😘 He went to Ruckers with Tom and Rae and won a slinky that everyone was sooooo jealous of. He’s tried and loved a lot of new foods, and in general, really seems to be coming out of his shell.

For this, I credit a handful of people and things. Firstly, and most importantly, all glory goes to God for this beautiful boy to even exist! Also, to his siblings, who challenge him (you know they do) and teach him some excellent skills in patience and consideration. Through Bradys sickness and time away, Dekker has learned more responsibility and compassion. Through his dad, he has learned IMPORTANT lessons about being a man, loving his people properly, when to stand up and when to take a backseat. From his teacher he learned how better to cope with stressful situations, and how to handle some of his big feelings. That was something we worked so hard at here, but somehow, she hit the nail on the head better than we could. For his auntie, who brings him along for things because she genuinely wants to spend time with him one on one. He feels SO special.
This boy is dearly loved by all those around him.

Dekker is an AMAZING boy, and is actively changing into an AMAZING man before my eyes. We even had to send deodorant in his backpack this year 🥺 Where has time gone?!

Dekker, I am overwhelmed with pride for you. Thank you, Lord, for giving us beautiful Dekker Thomas. There could not be a better fit for our family ❤️