I Have Questions

I have questions 

How long do I wait before I get my hair done again? I’ve been waiting to see if Bradys is going to fall out. We’re three cycles in. You know the moment I get mine redone, his will fall out and I’ll shave mine. How long do I wait? 

How can I order a DLM over the McDonald’s app? Does anyone know? 

Speaking of McDonald’s, is their iced coffee leftover hot coffee? I’m not mad at it, but sometimes mine is suspiciously warm. 

How long is it socially acceptable to wear a bikini top rather than a bra? I have yet to find a bra that fits my newly narrowed ribcage, but my swim tops from this year are PERFECT. Bathing suits all winter then? 

Another question. Who wants to join the homemade thriftmas gift exchange? 

How long does it take to form a habit? I’ve heard people say 30 days, 45, 60, and 90. What is it, folks? 

What new music have you found this summer? We’ve been enjoying WILD, The Band Camino, and the new AJR album is great, tho I’m disappointed with how much profanity is in it :/ can’t really listen to it around the kids. 

What are legitimate jobs that Brady and I could start to pick away at? He’s a master woodworker and I’m a decently capable crocheter. Can a person make a living out of those things? Say yes. 

Is there anywhere to go for a walk in eye appointment? Brady and I both need them but it’s hard committing to scheduled things sometimes these days. Does that exist anywhere? 

My last question. What is better than this? 

The answer is nothing.