Dishes and Brushes

But not dish brushes, ironically.

I have a long list of things that should get done today, and if not today, very soon. Basics include dishes, laundry, and floors. Like I talked about yesterday, we have these lovely, enormous laundry machines that will make things go nice and quick, but we also have a TON of laundry to do, so that job feels large. Floors are just dirty like usual, but since Dekker has embraced vacuuming the way he has, I’ve really taken a liking to clean floors, haha! Now when they’re dirty, I notice more. Crumbs stuck to my feet are NOT appreciated. So I have to get floors done. And dishes, because bottles stink.

Kim and I are celebrating our birthdays this Saturday, and she’s going to come over in the day so we can get all made up and dolled up together. This has been the motivator that I need to get the en suite set up. I am thoroughly enjoying that, to be honest, but its really hard to do any of it when I’m home with the kids. They are far too interested in all of the shiny pretty products I have in there, and inviting them up there with me would just be begging for it. For the most part, the en suite has to wait. Also in anticipation of our date, I need to wash my makeup brushes.

With the tidying of the en suite comes the annoyance with our room still being the mess that it is. We have a great dresser set now that I’m really happy with, but it needs to be painted. We actually have a lot of things that need painting, but again, that feels like a bit of a huge job to just start. I’m hoping to keep medicine cabinet ish things in the top dresser drawer, but since the dressers aren’t ready, we have boxes of medicine just sitting in our room. It seems like one job just stirs up another. Eek!

I was planning on making some calls to family today, and also to schedule a few little appointments in the near future, but I haven’t done that either. I haven’t done my physio exercises since my last appointment, either. Come to think of all the things I had to do today, I haven’t eaten yet either. Whoops…

So what have I accomplished today, you ask? I did dishes, and I washed my brushes. I’ve fed my kids, changed their diapers, played with them, and read them books. I’ve held Solly almost all day. Every time I set him down, he either wakes up on his own or someone chooses that exact moment to throw a magnadoodle at the laminate, and that wakes him up.

“Well, Hailey, why aren’t you working on that list now??”

Because there is a lot on my mind that I’ve been researching over the last couple of days, and thats what I’m currently doing, rather than sweeping, sorting clothes, cleaning out my fridge, etc. But I’ll tell you more about that all down the road 😉 Until then, I’ll just sweat over the long list of things I have to do, and then discarding it onto our island for later. #motivated #lies #ibegoogling