Friday Funday

I’ve been looking forward to Friday and Saturday all week, so when Brady was done work early and home around 1:00, my fun began! I visited with Brady for a little while before going upstairs and hiding out in our en suite. It is officially organized and beautiful and USEABLE! I’ve been slowly getting it there, and finally settling in, which has reopened my love for makeup once again. So I took my time, and got nice and done up for my afternoon. I tried out my new foundation, liner, mascara, and liquid lipstick that I got for my birthday, which was really exciting! I know not everyone cares about makeup, but it felt really fun to wear all new products, and have them all be pretty much perfect. Win!

Once I was ready, I headed to Costco in search of new pillows. Thank you all for the tips about the cooling pillows! I purchased two for Brady and I, and we are SO looking forward to trying them out! They feel pretty perfect initially, so we’ll see how the night goes! After Costco, I drove to my waxing place and got my eyebrows waxed. I always go to the same girl, whom I really really like, but I had betrayed her in July, when I was at the point of desperation and she was on holidays. So I went to another girl for my legs, but I only trust Jenn with my eyebrows 😉 So that was a nice little visit in my mid-day outing. Left feeling fresh, as always.

I drove to the mall nearby to pick up a handful of things. I made the mistake, however, of ducking into London Drugs first. They carry a small section of a makeup brand that I like, but since its not super common yet, they’re behind in getting the products that the states have. I’ve been waiting for a few products to make their way over here, so I check every time I’m near a location. And today, I was shocked to see that small section of the cosmetics department had exploded, and there was now an entire aisle, both sides, FILLED with their products!! Sooo I accidentally bought more makeup. Whoops.

After my impulsive makeup purchase, I ventured to buy what I actually came for. Pear cider, and some appies from M&M – mozza sticks, wings, and deep fried pickles. Mmmmm…

I made a few other quick stops before heading home. I hadn’t been home too terribly long before Jerilee arrived for – you guessed it! – Bachelorette night! The season ended a week or two ago but we’re behind!! So tonight was our night to watch the finale! We made our appies, along with a margherita pizza, and sat down to watch. We made it through three of the four episodes before it was just about midnight and we called it. “The Men Tell All” will have to wait.

All things considered, it was SUCH a fun day! And tomorrow will be super fun too, but I’ll tell you all about that then 😉 For now, I’m happy to dwell on today. Good friends, good food, good day <3