Doctor Superstar

I love Dekker’s doctor. She was y family doctor as a kid, and then moved to the states when I was about 11 or 12. She came back several years ago but we didn’t get our names in quick enough, and I haven’t had a solid family doctor since. Then I found out that she would take new prenatal patients and then keep the babies born as her patients. Wanting my kids to have the best, I went to her as my prenatal doctor and haven’t looked back. I want her as my doctor so much, so I’m hoping that if I have enough kids with her as their doctor, she’ll eventually agree to take me as a patient as well.

Dekker started losing weight a while ago. He went from 26 lbs 15 oz to 26 lbs 5.5 oz. Not a huge drop, but enough that we wanted him to catch back up. So she asked to book an appointment one month after we found out for a weight re-assessment. That was today. I had another few questions for her about him so I was looking forward to the appointment.

The lab tech who called us back weighed Dekker first. He is officially back up πŸ™‚ 27 lbs 9 oz! I felt so much better already! Then his doctor came in and went over everything with us. She had lots of answers that I actually hadn’t thought of for the few questions I had. She really does a wonderful job of answering and listening, but I feel like she really trusts as parents. She’s also pretty candid about her life and stories about her kids. I like her openness.

Towards the end of the appointment, I wanted to ask her a question about something relating to me, and not Dekker. I kind of apologized my way through it. She kind of laughed at me, and I just said I knew that I wasn’t technically her patient and she didn’t have to worry about my weird little ailments. She seemed a bit surprised and said “You’re not my patient?” I reminded her that I was only her prenatal patient. She asked me if I had another doctor, and I told her I didn’t. She simply said “Well, all my kids are finally in school so I work full time now. Of course you can come to me!” I have literally waited years for her to say that. Goodbye, huge weight from my shoulders.

After such a good appointment, we did a bit of shopping, and then dropped a very tired little boy off at my parents before we headed to a friends house for supper. Best. Steaks. Ever. I am now full and tired and dozey and done blogging.

I love this feeling at the end of the day.