Hair Model Day #2

I have never loved my hair this much! Ever! I’m so thoroughly happy with my experience today. What a fabulous break from reality so I could feel like a diva for a day or two.

There are so many stories I’d like to share, but considering that I couldn’t sleep until 3am and had to be awake at 5am, I’m completely bushed. So they may be in super short form, or they may be missed, but I’ll do my darndest! (Hahaha, spellcheck thinks I’m going for “dragnets.”)

I arrived at the exhibition at 6:15am-ish. Fifteen minutes early. It was freezing in there, and remained that way all day long. Never once was I warm. It is challenging being cold all day. And this time, it wasn’t in my head. I am always cold, but everyone else was cold with me. Oh well, doesn’t matter. We were all in full make up, dressed in little black dresses and heels, and lined up by 8:45 for the show to start at 9:00am. They were going to do four “shows” where two main hairstylists would cut or style hair up on a stage in front of tons of people while wearing headset microphones and describing everything they were doing. After all the prep, ย I found out I wasn’t needed until the second show anyway. So the few of us that weren’t starting out huddled around one of those hair dryers that goes over your whole head and tried to keep warm. Yup, like homeless people around a burning garbage can. We got a good laugh out of it.

During the break between the first and second show, my hair guy Christopher informed me that he was going to cut my hair the entire next show. 1.5 hours of cutting my hair while another woman styled the other girls’ hair. Christopher casually threw over his shoulder “I can do anything I want with your hair, right?” I responded with a confident “yup” and he laughed and walked away. Five minutes before the show would begin, I asked him what he was planning on doing to my hair. He said he didn’t know yet. Amazingly, I didn’t freak out. It was sooo freeing to not know! So I went up with him and he talked and combed and talked and combed. I think he was trying to figure out what to do with me. When he finally started cutting, he started telling the audience about me. He really played on the angle of me being a mom. He began with “Hailey’s a mom of a fourteen month old son, and she’s neglected her hair for the last year.” Ouch! Haha! He’s so sensitive, isn’t he? He mentioned how I was kind of the wild card thrown into their company for the weekend. Most of the other girls they had chosen were part of modeling agencies, but I was just there because I said they could have free reign on my hair. As he cut, he brushed strays off my face, assured me I looked gorgeous, and teased me about whatever he could come up with. Christopher stands at a whopping 6’4″ and even from that height, he would notice little bits of hair stuck in my lipstick and pick them off. I loved him ๐Ÿ™‚ In a very safe way, as I’m quite certain he isn’t interested in women if you know what I mean. All of a sudden, my cut was done. I guess it took the full 1.5 hours but it felt fast. I didn’t panic until he motioned towards the runway and asked me to go for a little walk and show off my hair. I warned him in advance that I didn’t have a model walk and he laughed at me and teased me for not perfecting my “pivot turn.” He didn’t care. So I just walked, paused, and came back. Then, he mentioned that I should go walk around the crowd so they could all touch my hair and see it close up. So I went around the back of the stage and came out to the crowd. And was bombarded by people with cameras! It was hilarious actually! They were all asking if I loved it, and I hadn’t seen it! Apparently it was quiteย asymmetrical, but I had not the faintest idea of what it might look like. Very “What Not to Wear” if you will. I was very popular for a solid 15 minutes before I could go for a bathroom break to go check myself out. And guess what. I looked awesome!!! In my opinion, anyway, hahaha!

Since my hair was completed, I wasn’t sure what would be required of me for the rest of the day. I was looking forward ti putting my comfy shoes on and going to check out the other tables. But since my cut went over so well, they called me on stage to brag me up during the other two shows. It was fun to feel so pretty!

The day ended at about 4:45. It was a solid, long day, and I loved it. I brought my cute self to Dalmeny right afterwards to show off my new ‘do. Behold!!!

I‘m so happy to be home now. I’m tired, as you can tell by these pictures, but I’m completely happy and content.

Now, as per usual, there is a bubble bath with my name on it, and my feet hurt. So, goodnight. Very, very good night ๐Ÿ™‚


ouw la,la!!! you are gorgeous darlink, simply gorgeous. It looks so good on you Hailey. How did Dekker like it?


ouw la,la!!! you are gorgeous darlink, simply gorgeous. It looks so good on you Hailey. How did Dekker like it?


Absolutely sensational. That is totally you, you gorgeous hottie! And kudos to Brady that he wore a shirt that is your perfect background color! Sweet.


Absolutely sensational. That is totally you, you gorgeous hottie! And kudos to Brady that he wore a shirt that is your perfect background color! Sweet.