Early Rising Boy

This morning Dekker woke up before 8:00am. I know, moms. “Psh! Thats not early! Come spend a day with my kid!” Ok, well, come spend a day with mine and then try to get up before 8am. Its hard. 

Now when I say he woke up, I mean he woke up with a vengeance. WAILING! Brady and I chatted about how this would affect our day. He wouldn’t sit well through church, since it began at 10:45 and he’d go into it tired. Plus, our church had a lunch planned afterward and we’d FOR SURE not make it through that! So we decided to spend the morning at home and invite my parents over for the day. They were on board, but opted to go to church and lunch first, before they came over for the afternoon, supper, and the evening. It actually played out perfectly. We watched a movie in the morning with Dekker (yup, this is how he watches tv)

IMG_2207while he played, and we ate all morning basically. Deks went down for a nap around 2:00 and twenty minutes later my parents were on their way. So we had some nice time to visit and show them around to see all the preparations we’ve made for baby girl to come home. 

Brady was an extra amazing husband tonight and made supper for all of us. He made us a favorite of ours – baked chicken spaghetti. The chicken breasts we bought were huge and we only used two for the entire casserole! They were about 1.5″ thick!


It was ridiculously delicious and I definitely ate enough for two adults. But it was amazing. However, I am the furthest from comfortable after I eat. Or after I overeat. So it was almost impossible to be in a sitting position. I decided to be in my bedroom just so I could lay down and give my ribs and back a break from holding up my tummy. Luckily, my mom came and hung out with me in there. Dekker came and dropped in for visits as well, with books, cars, and all kinds of toys. When it was bedtime, everyone came into our room and played with Dekker while he jumped around and laughed hysterically. My mom sang him songs and then he would lay completely still.


It was VERY sad when it was time to actually go to bed. Lots of crying for the poor boy. But I get that. He’d rater be up playing with his grandparents. It’ll happen again soon, little boy.

Now our house is quiet and our guests are gone. We whipped up a batch of cookie dough for a treat, and realized we must have halfed the recipe because we got waaay more than we were bargaining for!!!


But I am sooo looking forward to cookies and milk in the tub! In fact, goodbye everyone.