Errand Day: The Last

The title is optimistic. I’m sincerely hoping that one of these days, our baby girl will come, and we will no longer be able to have long errand days. At least not for a while. Although I’ll probably feel sooo much better physically once she’s out. Yes, certain parts of me will be suffering I’m sure, but the whole thing about not being able to breathe, my legs ripping apart from my pelvis, and the horrible, horrible reflux will be things of the past. I could handle that.

I have been feeling really uncomfortable and I realized that I need to book an appointment with my chiropractor very soon. Tuesday will have been a week since my last appointment and I’m pretty sure thats fairly ambitious for me at this point. So I called right when the clinic opened to ask for an appointment. Aaand Dr. Mike wasn’t in today 🙁 This was actually quite a hit, since today was our planned Saskatoon day, and Brady has two FULL days of work Tuesday and Wednesday, where he’s actually going to work from stupid o’clock in the morning until far into the evening. Thursday is my next doctors appointment if I make it that far, which is entirely possible, but it seems a little nerve wracking to be booking things that close to baby day. I’m just rambling. Either way, today was sort of the ideal day for a treatment and I couldn’t get one 🙁 So I was very good and wore the support belt all day.

We got into the city later than expected and made a couple of stops on the north end really quickly. Brady needed staples for subfloor tomorrow, and we needed to buy Dekker more patches from City Hospital. Once we got both of those done and done, we crossed the city and met up with a woman who sold us four sets of jammies (pants and shirts) for $5 together. We’re thinking Deks won’t like sleepers as much this winter and he loved to not be fully dressed, so we’ve been looking for sets of jammies like this and have had trouble finding ones we like. We got a set for his birthday that we like that are all fleecy and nice for winter, but other than that we have two pairs of jammie pants and thats it. So he is now officially stocked up on PJs for suuuper cheap!

I just have to add this van in here. At a red light, I noticed this van.

IMG_2217Not only does this guy provide “all woodwork,” as well as “any custom wood work.” He also installs HARwood. Thats a rough advertisement, bud.

We did a bit of jogging around from there, and because I was so happy to get our list completely crossed off, I deleted it off my phone and therefore I have no idea where we all went. I know we went to Home Depot for Brady to get some work stuff, and I was most excited about Walmart, where I picked up some beautiful new yarn! I bought one ball of it last week just because I needed white and it felt a bit softer than the stuff I normally buy, and it was sooo great to work with, I used it all up already! So I bought two more balls of white, one of charcoal, and one great deep/bright purple. I’m so excited to make…something anyway! We picked up groceries and a few other randoms before heading out. We dropped in on Hailey and her kids before leaving the city, and just had a quick half hour visit before taking off again. We like to get together with them as often as we can and I guess knowing that soon we’ll be a little more housebound gives us the motivation to just text and drop in as often as we can!

We drove to Dalmeny at he very end of it all so that I could drop off some eye drops at my moms and Brady could go do a walk-through of the house he’s going to start tomorrow. Our friends are building and asked Brady to be their finisher, so Brady has never seen the finished product before, being that its being built by a builder thats unfamiliar to him. So whiel he took a look around and planned the shelving, Dekker and I played at my parents house and lets be honest, he completely trashed the place in the 45 minutes we were there. But he was happy to be free from his carseat or from a cart! He was sooo tired all day but wouldn’t sleep, so he had been a little “unreasonable” at times. It was nice to see him happy.

He was frozen in this face a lot today...
He was frozen in this face a lot today…

He was pretty sad to leave but was sleeping within moments. We got home too close to bedtime to let him nap, unfortunately. So he ate a pretty small supper and played until bedtime, and I did three loads of laundry!! He was pretty moody but did well considering his full day. It is no secret that my boy needs his sleep, and I know there are people in my life who think we put him to bed too much or too early or what have you. But I know my kid. And putting him down at the end of a day where he has napped is completely different than if he hasn’t napped. The kid can nap until he’s in school. It just works for us. He’s not ready to lose the nap and I’m not about to encourage him not to nap! Works for us.


On that note, baby boy is in bed and Brady and I are sooo hungry! Evenings like these never actually leave us the freedom to eat, so we have supper after Deks is in bed. I’m at the point where I don’t even care what we eat. Just feed me!

Pizza… Onion rings??