Eleven Years

Today marks eleven years since Brady and I got married ❤️ We were SO young, and so in love. We acted on faith, and continue to. Our road hasn’t been a perfect one, but no one’s is. I wouldn’t trade ours. 

I’ll admit that this post is a year late. We had this fun blog idea for our tenth anniversary, but as it happened, if you remember, last February was unbelievably cold. Not fit for photos in the slightest. But thats ok, because eleven happens to be my favorite number anyway 😊 

We loved our wedding. There is very little I wish had been done differently. It was a spectacular day. VERY us. More than our wedding, though, I love our marriage. 

I love our relationship and how we’ve melded together. We’re both so different, but as tends to happen, we’ve become more similar over time.

I feel so fortunate to have a husband who is happily invested 100% in his family.

A husband who shares my goals and my heart.

A husband who never takes the easy way out or cuts a corner.

A husband who loves his family fiercely.

A husband with his priorities in order. God. Wife. Kids. Everything else. It seems that kind of man is hard to find, and I’m grateful to be forever united with Brady. 

I love the life we’ve built.

We laugh a LOT.

I love our perfectly imperfect bond. Keep it tight, Lord! 

My favorite 💜

Eleven years in, with hopefully SO many more left! 


Thank you, Cher, for taking these pictures for us. In winter.

When your back was on fire. We now have photographic evidence that we’re just dorky as we were on this very day, eleven years ago! ❄️ 

Deanne Makellky

I was totally at your wedding! I have no idea why I was honoured with an invitation but it was so much fun! And I think it got me out of some Youth Advance stuff I really didn’t want to do so it was a double win! 😆
Happy anniversary! (Our 11th is this September!) yay for us!


Hahaha! Well I’m glad I could get you out of some responsibilities 😆 Yay for eleven years of marriage for both of us!!