Laela’s Final Sick Day

I’m confident today is Laela’s last sick day. Her spirits are way up, and I’m sure if I had told her she could go back to school, she would’ve been all over it. But she was still a little fevered, so I figured one more day. 

Yesterday was a rough one. 

Thank you, Cher, for taking these pictures, unbeknownst to me ❤️ 

She just lay. If I offered her a book, she’d take it, and read it, and then lay it on her lap until Waverly inevitably toddled by and took it. Her fever was pretty persistent, and I could tell she was starting to feel pretty miserable. I gave her Tylenol and it didn’t break the fever. I sat beside her and wiped her face and neck with a cool cloth. She LOVED that. I could’ve probably done that all done. She loved it, and I felt peace being able to do something for her in the moment. She was looking pretty ok, but she started to drag hard towards the end of the morning. Still gorgeous though. 

She opted out of lunch and went down for a nap. After her nap, she was noticeably happier and lighter in the heart. She was in WAY better shape! Dekker even brought her some homework (her teacher knows how much she loves school that she sought him out to bring her some!) and she completed it immediately. One journal entry, three pages of math, and three pages of spelling. 

This morning, she really seemed a lot better. She sat up, coughed up some gross morning phlegm (I know, delicious) and then popped out of bed. At first, I thought if was obvious that she should go back to school. But I felt her neck, and she was toasty. Too toasty. I double checked as she ate her breakfast, and she was definitely warm. But! She ate breakfast better than she has in a couple of days, and coughed less. So I know she’s on her way back! 

This morning, it appears she is giving Solly a turn being sick. For the record, he isn’t sick. Yet. But Laela tucked him in on her little couch with her blanket. She gave him his water bottle and appointed herself his caregiver, sitting beside him and reading him story after story. Even Wavy joined in. 

Hopefully this is the end of Laela’s bout of sickness! And hopefully no one else gets it 🤞 Wish us luck!!