Everyone Else’s Turn

Remember last week when Laela missed three days of school because of a nasty cold and fever? Well, everyone else caught it over the weekend. 😩 Doesn’t that sounds fun? 

I’ll be more specific, and go down the list. 

Brady is SICK. Snotty, sore throat, the works. 

I am not overrun with illness yet, but I feel it in my throat. I could tell first thing in the morning that it’s coming, but its not here yet. 

Dekker was in rough shape yesterday evening, and I assumed in advance that he wouldn’t go to school today. He woke up in decent shape and I sent him to school after all. Aaaaand came home just before lunch. He is now snotty, coughy, and feverish. 

Laela is pretty snotty, but she is in much better shape than the other kids, since she did the fever part last week. Her spirits are up and she’s just a bit sniffy. 

Rowan has a super gross cough and one weird swollen red eye 

Solly is pure snot. And also has a chesty cough. His voice is super high and raspy. He is also fevered 

Waverly has the raspy voice, super snotty nose, and the gross croup-like cough. 

One thing EVERYONE has in common is fatigue. EVERYONE is exhausted. 


Nap time went long today. I walked into every single bedroom at 3:30pm, and tip toed out slowly immediately after. Everyone (at home, the four kids) was cashed right out. Dekker was asleep, laying as if he had just laid down, flat on his back. Everyone was snoring. 

By now, they’re all up, and all fighting 😆😩 Emotions are running high, as no one is at their best. At least there were some nice lulls in the morning.

“I want breakfast! No, I DON’T want breakfast! But I want food! But not food! Nooooo!”
This little thing provides excellent snuggles, with a LOT of mouth breathing thrown in there. What are my chances to NOT get sick? 🤔

Supper will be some form of toast, I’m sure, and bedtime will be awkwardly early. Last night, the whole group went to bed at 6:30, and that was a QUIET house for that early!! 

My hands are so dry from all the hand sanitizer I’ve used today. I’ll take the chapped hands over a chapped nose any day! 🙅‍♀️ Stay away, illness!!

Thank you to my friends who were brave enough to come over, in spite of my house full of sickies. I appreciate you, and also I’m sorry…