Story Time: Reading in a Field

So I mentioned a funny reading story, and figured I should share. It’s SO funny to me and Brady, so hopefully you’ll get a kick out of it, too. 

I should say, its funny now…


Back in the day of dating, Brady and I would go drive to random locations, park, light tea lights in the car, and read to each other. We read old Gordon Korman booked I had read when I was in junior high. There are some REALLY good ones that I hope my children enjoy one day, too. We’d park in neighbourhoods that weren’t very built out yet, or by the river, or in the country. Once we parked outside the airport so we could watch the planes while we read.

Now, I’m not dumb. I know it sounds like we were going to just go park somewhere and make out. And yes, we did that. “Star gazing.” “Storm watching.” Obviously just covers for making out. But reading was legitimately reading. 

One night in particular, we had pulled off of a gravel road onto what looked like a little side road, but was very much more of an approach into a field. We parked his gross little two toned Tempo, lit our little candles, and grabbed our book out. We read for a good long while before we decided it was time to go home. We realized, at that point, how mucky the ground around us was, and rather than backing up from where he came (we weren’t so far from the main road) Brady decided to turn around. 

Try to turn around, I should say. He was instantly stuck DEEP in mud. Could not get back onto that little path to save his life. He tried to hop out and push while I drove, but the car needed to be rocked, and guess what. I don’t know how to drive stick well enough to make that happen. 

Aaaaand thats how I ended up knee deep in the mud, furiously trying to push a car out of a farmers field. 

Spoiler alert. We worked like that for about an hour. 

Spoiler alert number two. We didn’t get it out. I actually did better than I thought I would, but I just couldn’t get it out of that thick mud :/ So we made our way home, myself covered in mud, in the dark, in the country. It felt like a walk of shame moment. I was SO angry. I hope I’d laugh about it if it happened now, but MAN I was pissed to have been the one in the mud thanks to Brady’s decision that I wouldn’t have personally made. I specifically remember I refused to hold hands with him 😂 I was such a jerk, haha! 

Of course, as one would expect, we needed help getting the car pulled out of the field in the morning, which meant (ugh) retelling the events of the evening. 

“Reading, huh?”


Lol! Its funny now, don’t worry 😉 But I was SO embarrassed in the moment! Wow! 

Would it have really mattered if we were out, smooching in a field? Frankly, that was more realistic in a junky little car than it would be now in our bus 😳 If we were to go park that thing somewhere for some smooching now, it would look suuuuuper suspicious. Maybe smooching in vehicles is behind us now. But reading to each other is resurrected!! I’m happy to have it back!