Eyeballs and Gnomes

This afternoon held a check-up at the optometrist for Mr. Rowan!

He was really excited to bail on the afternoon of school and head out with me and Wavy!

His eye appointment was really awesome, actually! Wavy sat really quietly while Rowan went through the motions with reading the lines of letters smaller and smaller and smaller. It felt victorious when his eye doctor noted yet further improvement in his vision! She showed us the row he used to guess at, and he read it with ease today, guessing the next row down in size. Marked improvement! With that comes a new trial pair of contacts that should come in the next two weeks. We’ll see how those go, and continue patching in the meantime. Its working!!!

The appointment was done, and it wasn’t worth it to go back to school, so we perused Canadian Tire for a little bit. I bought a couple of things I needed, as well as a thing or two I did not need 😬

I’ve been scoping these gnomes ALL year. Finally bit the bullet before they disappeared into the fall abyss. I think they’ll sit amidst my Christmas decor this year. At their patio set. Maybe they were at the nativity scene. We have options.

Since then, we’ve hit the playground for a bit, and retrieved Solomon from school. The kids are playing downstairs, and I’m looking forward to an easy suppertime.

Its a good day. Tomorrow might be eeeeeven better 💜