Quieter Mornings

The mornings are entirely different without Dekker and Laela. Every child has their own room this way, and they all sleep longer. Most days, I wake at least one of them up from a dead sleep. Sometimes all three of them.

Everyone breakfasts at the island these days, because 🤷🏼‍♀️ there’s room. Getting everyone ready is quicker and easier. I LOVE the big kids, and I am really excited to have them back, but this dynamic is fun, too.

The three of them headed off to school today, and I headed out with the morsel this afternoon for an appointment. A pumpkin appointment…

…and then a real appointment. Thank you, Jocelyn, for sharing a pumpkin with us!! I’m SO jazzed to puree another one and get some more in my freezer! The last batch of pumpkin muffins I made went over beautifully!

We made it home in time to walk the kids from school and show them the shiny new thing in the front yard! 😍 We can talk about that tomorrow…