Fafa’s Day

No, I don’t call my dad Fafa, but thats what I’ve started calling Fathers Day for some reason. No objections from Brady, so we’re good to go!

I gave Brady his gift yesterday, but it still counts for todays post. I got him a sweet Leatherman multi-tool. It was on for an amazing deal, so he actually got a 2-pack, with the “Rebar” as well as the smaller keychain one with ten tools. As soon as he opened it, I back pedalled all over the place, saying if he wanted something else, he could absolutely return it, no questions asked and no offense to me. What do I know about knives?! He waited patiently for me to shut up and then just asked if he could open it. My poor husband, haha! But it went over well I think. Success!

Today we spent the morning at church. The service was actually really great, and the message was all based on fathers and how to lead and treat those around them in a way that honors God. He touched on fathers who have lost children, single fathers, men who weren’t fathers yet, etc. The ones that jumped out at me the most were obviously the ones that fit our situation, and while I won’t get them perfectly, this is what I remember. Our pastor said one of the most important things a man can do for his wife is show affection towards her, compliment her, and take notice of her. The best thing a father can do for his son is to tell him he loves him, and affirm that he can do anything. The best thing a father can do for his daughter is love her mother, and take her on father/daughter dates. I agree very much with every word of that, and I’m happy to say that Brady fits those points. I mean, as far as we know, we do not yet have a daughter, but he really fits the bill of a loving, involved, interested father. Love you babe!

Our afternoon was spent at my parents house having a full blown thanksgiving meal with them, and their friends Brian and Willa, and their son Reid. We ate ourselves silly, and then just visited in the living room while Dekker ate (he slept through lunch) and then played around us. He was sooo cute today! I hate that we don’t have any great pictures of him from today but he wore some super trendy jeans, a white tshirt and an old man cardigan 🙂 Waaay too cute!

However, if anyone is interested in belly size, behold!


Feeling pretty monstrous in this photo but also, very nice and pregnant 🙂 I can still suck that thing in quite a bit but it takes way more effort, so I opt out and let baby be free. Apparently this week, Paddles is as tall as a cucumber and over 2 lbs! Grow baby grow!

Just a random thing I took a picture of today – my arm where I had my bloodwork done a week ago. Any guesses why I’m bruised down two veins? At least its not spreading anymore…


Instead of ending this post on a picture of a bruise, lets go with two of my favorite people!


Cuties. It was a nice day.


My favorite thing about this post is the pictures!!!!! Especially the one with your mom!!! And you look gorgeous!!! Just stunning!

mama jeanne

You guys are making me blush 🙂 Everybody is going to look good beside that beautiful adorable little Dekker Boy 🙂 He just makes the world a brighter place! And Hailey I would be sooooo pleased to look beautiful like you 🙂 I love you!