Fake Fake Monday

Today was Fake Monday for two reasons.

1. Its Tuesday. In that way, I suppose the majority of days could be considered Fake Mondays, but its nice to start the week off with work and routine, and have it not be Monday! Which leads me into reason #2…

2. Mondays carry a stigma of being crappy days. I’ve spent a lot of time in my life being negative, and while I try much harder to be positive these days, I understand the stigma. Its just the first day back to life after a break. For those Mon-Fri-9-5-ers, anyway. I am not one of those, and rarely know what day of the week it is. Today was Fake Monday because it was actually really lovely. Rowan didn’t sleep through the night but gave me nice long stretches anyway. All of the kids were in great moods and played well together with minimal arguments. Naps were seamless, I got some downtime, and I chatted on the phone with my mom. Brady ran a few errands after work, including picking up an iPhone case that a friend so generously offered to me. I keep thinking I should take a screenshot to show you guys, but I’m pretty sure thats not how that works. Not the brightest bulb, obviously.

All things considered, I really enjoyed Fake Fake Monday. I hope there are many more of these in the future.