Green Grass and All That Crap

After such a fun long weekend with family, and being away from our place, its kind of hard to be back. I flip flop with that, though, because its always nice to come home after being away, right? I love coming home to my comfy bed, and my soaker tub, and its always nice to be in our house and our routine. But this time, coming home felt considerably more like a step backwards.

And I know!! The grass is always greener, right? What makes that stereotype crappy is that sometimes the grass is WAY greener over there, and somehow, saying that phrase is supposed to make us be happy with our dead, brown grass. It doesn’t seem fair!

I understand that we have to accept where we are and try to be happy with it, and I am very happy we bought this house 6.5 years ago. I really am! It was the perfect move for us! But it is our time to move on, and I’m having a lot of trouble with the waiting game. Let’s be honest with ourselves. The waiting game has barely even begun.

Our listing will go live with our realtor on Monday, I believe. On a humorous and ironic note, we had to refinance our mortgage today. Good work, timing! To be completely honest, I’m scared the thing won’t sell. Not because its not a beautiful house and property, but just because I’m feeling grumpy. Before we even list it, though, we have to get it super cleaned and tidied up again, so its appropriately beautiful for showings. And I have NO motivation to do that! Some could say I have the best motivation, but I can’t imagine working myself up to the point of optimism I was at a month or so ago, only to have nothing happen.

I’m sure some of you can relate to me on this. I’m not trying to whine, but just put it out there, that its yucky and vulnerable, and I feel like I’m in one of those situations where I should just give up before we even start trying. I know that obviously isn’t the answer, but I’m feeling like a bit of a bum right now.

On top of that, Brady has had three tires wreck on him in the last few weeks. THREE! He’s been replacing them with older second hand tires until he needs a new set, but that obviously isn’t working for him. He actually had to pull his tires off yesterday and brought them into the city today in our family van. He’ll get new tires put on the rims today, and tomorrow, when he can drive his van again, he’ll get an alignment. Even getting a good deal, its a lot at once.

Goodbye, all of our money. Please come back to us soon in the form of equity off of our house sale.

Goodbye one day, house. Please find a new owner soon. Preferably before the end of the month. I’d so love to wash my hands of you and move on to that lush grassy knoll just a half hour down the highway.