FAMOUS! Not really, but almost

Remember that hair show I was part of last weekend? Salonmagazine.ca just put out an article about it. Guess who is in the first picture!!! Seriously, click the link 🙂

The article isn’t much, but there are a few pictures from some of the stages/booths that were set up at the exhibition. I’ve been waiting, checking the ISO Canada facebook page every day, hoping they’d put up some of the pictures they took. And they did!

Last weekend has been so much fun to look back on. I was the one model in the group that wasn’t preselected. Lots of the other models were actual models, with agencies, not just cheapskates like me who wanted a free haircut and color! What a fun experience!

I can honestly and genuinely say that I don’t have a desire to be a model. I couldn’t wake up at 5am regularly. I can’t walk in heels very well. And I’m not concerned enough about my looks. I don’t want to be, anyway. It is fun to feel extra pretty, and to be mobbed by complimentary people. But I can’t base my value on that. No one should, even though it feels good.

Ok, rant over. I couldn’t resist blogging once I saw that article. Feels good to essentially “make the cover” of something.


Talk about stealing the show…..top billing……right on! Hey and the BACK of you is featured in picture number two. They loved you so much they gotcha coming and going :-)) I’m so glad fame didn’t go to your head.


Talk about stealing the show…..top billing……right on! Hey and the BACK of you is featured in picture number two. They loved you so much they gotcha coming and going :-)) I’m so glad fame didn’t go to your head.