Feels like a coffee kind of morning

Pretty sure I’m going to put on coffee this morning and take my time today. I’m actually surprised when I think about how much I need to accomplish before the end of the week! My house needs to be cleaned, I need to get some grocery shopping in, and I need to reorganize my whole kitchen. Probably before Thursday. I’m feeling a little overwhelmed and I’m not even out of bed yet. Yes yes, judge me. My baby is just waking up so I can.

I’m so unsure about what to put where in my kitchen. I’m not complaining one bit, I’m thrilled to have the extra space! But so far the plans I’ve had is just spreading out what is already in my kitchen, not taking anything out of my pantry to make room. I want more room in my pantry! So I’m not sure where to go. I keep having ideas and I think “I’ll just try it” but then I think that if it is sucks, I’ll have to pull it apart and start back at the beginning. Pretty sure I need to get over that and just do it. Really, if I have to dump out a drawer or two, that is probably something I can live through.

No matter what I end up doing today, I must get started.. Dekker is talking away in his crib, playing happily with absolutely nothing except a blanket, which I love. But I’ll go get him, we’ll have breakfast, and then we’ll see how well he’ll play by himself while I think of what to do. Floors? Laundry? Dishes? Bathrooms? Vacuum the basement? Tidy the entire house? Reorganize the kitchen? Shop? No, shopping is out for today. Anything else? I’m sure there’s more.

After writing this, I think it will be a full pot of coffee today.