Like a Boss. With my mom…

I felt very accomplished last week when I had two crock pots going at once. Today, there were three! Last time, it was two big batches of the same thing. Today, is was three different things! Felt very proud of myself. Like a boss. With my mom.

As soon as I posted yesterdays post, my mom called and offered to come for a cleaning/kitchen/cooking day. I took her up on it and she came over that afternoon. She made it by about 2:0opm and could only stay until about 5:15. Man, did we get a lot done!!!

Luckily, Brady and I did more laundry on Monday than I thought, so we didn’t have to wash any bedding or towels like I was expecting. We went straight into the kitchen and chopped/mixed/improvised our way to three suppers slow cooking, all the while doing dishes and starting to rearrange things into drawers that were never usable until now. Once the meals were set up and Dekker was sleeping, we started to really get into the kitchen! As in, throwing away tiny useless Tupperware and a large grocery bag collection, and bringing large boxed appliances downstairs. That lead us to the pantry. I had a crazy pantry reorganizing day earlier this year. However, all I had really done was stacked stuff up taller so I could fit more things in. I didn’t purge or tidy, I just shoved. Today, we really organized, and it was wonderful. When my mom had to leave, Brady stepped in and became the keeper of the garbage bag, hauler of things that belong downstairs (holla!), and coffee putter onner guy. We finished the pantry and put the crock pot meals in the fridge. Complete. Success.

A few realizations from today: Fresh garlic cloves are sooo much better to chop and peel than old. I finally use real garlic now, and I suppose mine has always been old in the past. It is now fresh and smushes really good when I beat it with the flat side of the knife. So satisfying! Also, it is nicer to pull something out of a drawer that it not crammed full of things that come flying out with the object I was going for originally. Space is ok. Organize things in a way that leaves room for growth. On the topic of having space, I have an entire large drawer in my kitchen with nothing in it 😀 This makes me happier than it should. While a part of me was sad to pack up so many bottles that Dekker used as a younger baby, it made nice space that I’m sure will be filled with something soon enough, and I’ll be thankful I did. We did, actually. I work so much better with the help of a friend.

Another observation is that I felt more normal today than usual. Not in the way that I wasn’t scatter-brained. So many people feel that a large project being completed is rewarding. I haven’t felt that in the past. I’ve more so just felt relieved that it’s over, almost leaving a bad taste in my mouth. Today, I feel the reward. My house smells like beef stew. I can actually walk into my pantry without tripping over stray Tupperware, a roll of paper towel, or a bottle of water. I have a spice drawer! I have replaced my kitchen cloth. I have one empty drawer and three empty shelves in the kitchen cabinets. I am happy. And accomplished.

Of course, with this newfound excitement over my new kitchen, and my new zest for domesticity, I can’t sleep. I thought usually people are exhausted at the end of a day like this. Not me. Oh well, I try not to run with the pack. Or sleep with them either, apparently.