Finally with the Whole Gang!

All of my siblings are out visiting right now, and I finally got to spend some time with them! I brought the kids over for the afternoon and Brady came after work. And it was completely awesome! We just visited when Simon and Grace and the boys were over, so Dekker remembers them pretty well. And he remembered Caity and Stef from being out there just the other week, so he was right in his element. 

Burgers were barbecued while the kids played baseball outside with the uncles. Dekker was soaked in sweat and fit in wonderfully. It does my mommy heart good to see him warming up to people, and let me tell you, my family gets really loud when we’re all together! So the fact that he can get right in there and enjoy himself is pretty exciting. Go Dekker go!!!

After an enormous supper, the nephews went down for night. It was definitely bedtime for our kids too, but we wanted to visit just a little bit longer. Plus, Laela had a late nap, so we new we could afford the time. We had some ice cream and sat around the living room, visiting, while Dekker climbed behind the couch, underneath our legs, and mooched extra dessert. It was a good evening.

It was sad to leave, but we’re going back tomorrow for the day. Looking forward to a bit more family time before everyone goes their respective ten hours away :/ Love you, family!