New Hair!!!

Before any grows an opinion on my new hair, I want to throw it out there that I LOVE IT! Not only did I love being at the salon for a solid 2.5 hours, but I love the outcome. Here’s the progression:

This was after I "un-styled" its so the process could begin. It was in particularly rough shape this morning!
This was after I “un-styled” its so the process could begin. It was in particularly rough shape this morning!
Post blonde, and pre toner. Its always so unbelievably yellow at that stage! (Gotta love taking awkward selfies in public places...)
Post blonde, and pre toner. Its always so unbelievably yellow at that stage! (Gotta love taking awkward selfies in public places…)


The end result! Believe it or not, its not actually that different than previous cuts! Its actually quite similar, my hair girl just styled it down instead of up in a poof like I do every single day of my life. Its the same length (aka shortness) on both sides, and in the back. I just had no idea the top was as long as it is!! Crazy, hey?

I’ll reiterate that I completely love the color. I’m sad to say it will fade out with a handful of washes only, but it was hardly any extra money, so I will likely keep trying out these fun pastel tones each time. In my opinion, pastel experiment part one is a complete success!

After my hair appointment, I went downtown to apply for passports (ours expired forever ago and I want to go on a holiday one day!) and I picked up some pants that I was getting hemmed at lululemon. Believe it or not, both of those errands together took a total of 18 minutes. No line at the government building at all!!! How great is that?!

I ran around a bit after that. I shopped unsuccessfully, got a chiro treatment, bought coconut milk for a new recipe, and picked up some Starbucks. I had a few other places to hit but I was feeling pretty tired, so I figured the rest could wait. Rethinking that, I probably should have tried a bit harder to get a few more things done, but I wanted to really enjoy today, and doing more would have been work and not play. Hopefully that was a good decision.

On my way home, I stopped to drop in at my parents house. All of my siblings are officially out for the rest of the week, and my mom had expressed interest in seeing my hair all fresh and new. So I had every reason to go. And I’m glad I did. It was nice to be part of the group for a few minutes before going home. We’ll be over there tomorrow afternoon and evening, so I’ll look forward to more time with all four of my siblings, my nephews, and my parents. Its always wonderful to be all together.

The end. I’m tired, and I haven’t had supper yet. A donut does not count! But seriously, today was awesome. I really enjoyed the time off, the music in my van, and getting pampered a little. I really enjoyed getting pink hair. Its been a great day. Hopefully tomorrow is equally awesome 🙂 For all of you guys, too.