Finished Finishing

Bradys early mornings and ridiculously hard work has paid off. He is done finishing the house he started yesterday! Which means he is FREE from work until after the baby comes 😀

As for the little Miss, I’m wondering if everyone prayed, maybe she would just come a little quicker. Behold – things I never thought I would have to worry about.

-Clothing. I am coming in well under the amount of weight I gained with Dekker. However, I had comfortable fitting clothing throughout my entire pregnancy. This time, I am smaller and do not fit a blessed thing. Seriously. If you see me out and about, even in the city or visiting somewhere, I am in sweats. I have officially given up.

-Specifically, bras. I have to choose between wearing a bra and breathing. Even a well-fitting bra is too much of a restriction on my ribs, and I just can’t do it.

-Food. I am the LEAST comfortable all day after I’ve freshly eaten. Everything is so jumbled up in there, it takes food forever to make its way down where it needs to be. Therefore, it stays up high for way too long, causing nausea, reflux, and just general discomfort. After I eat, I need to lay down on my side and give my body a break. My ribs feel like they’re gonna just snap one of these days.

-Peeing. This is a new one for me actually, on two different levels. Firstly, I never once sneezed and peed with Dekker’s pregnancy. I laughed at those people. Now I laugh at me, but usually not in the moment. No one likes peeing their pants. On the other angle, its virtually impossible to pee completely! I have to sit on the toilet in weird positions to actually get it all out. This is not the most flexible I’ve ever been by any means, and its hard to just fold myself in half while sitting on the toilet. Hmmm…that one was maybe a bit too much info.

I shouldn’t complain. Soon it will be done and I’ll probably even miss being pregnant. There is something different about feeling the baby move in your arms vs in your body. Or listening to babys heartbeat on the doppler instead of trying to lay your head on her chest. Both are wonderful, and of course in person is amazing, but its different and those things can only be experienced while pregnant. Its hard to explain. But I know her birth is near. I’m due on Saturday, so I’m just shy of 40 weeks. If I go as overdue as they’ll let me, it will be about two weeks from today. I could do two more weeks.

Buuuuut I’d rather not. If all my praying friends could throw out some prayers for us tonight, we’d really appreciate it! This is the first day in about a week that I’ve had some good solid painful contractions, so I’d love it if they’d pick up and get things moving!

I have a chiropractic appointment tomorrow, as well as a prenatal. I think they’d both understand if suddenly I just went into labor instead.


I will definitely pray for you and I totally get the sneezing-peeing thing. Totally been there (I’m still there but praise The Lord I no longer have a cold). I didn’t have that the first time round. Anyway, I will pray baby comes on or before her due date and that you have a quick, safe, as-painless-as-possible labor and delivery.