First Day Home

Today was our first full day back home, and we had plans. Our house is atrocious and we’re having company tomorrow so the plan was to tidy and prep and unpack from the weekend and do all those things that normal people do. However, Dekker slept until noon, so instead of doing things, we lounged, ate breakfast, and watched Friends. Brady put a load of dishes through the dishwasher, so I guess at least he accomplished something, but needless to say, the house is NOT ready yet!

We also met with our small group this evening. Before that, Brady and I made a quick trip to the city to pick up groceries for dinner tomorrow, which went really well. Very rarely do we leave Superstore having spent $40, and $15 of that was on a basket for Dekker’s toys. Felt good.

Our small group meeting was really nice. Dekker came and slept all through the meal and the first chunk of the devotional we did. When he did finally have to wake up, he was hot. As in fevering. He’s currently working on his two year molars and being that he is out of practice in the teething world, he isn’t much of a fan of it. He’s pretty sensitive these days, and now a fever. We stripped him down to jeans and he just kind of sat motionless with Brady. I pulled out the Advil and he cooled a little. He was silent the entire drive home, wide awake but unmoving. When we finally unloaded him, I was cuddling him and taking him out of his coat really gently when he lunged and squirmed to be free. So I put him on the floor and he rushed the living room for toys. And played and played. He laughed and waved and babbled and was sooo happy! We checked his temperature and he was down to 97.7, which is great! But his head and hands still felt so hot. After his bottle, I was cuddling with him and just couldn’t get over the heat hat was radiating from him! I called the health people, just to ask if he could actually be having some kind of hot flash. While I was on the phone, Brady came in and lay beside me. This is usually the time when we laugh at Dekker while he drags himself over and tries to climb on top of Brady, but its usually a pretty lame effort and he flops all over the place. This time, he just stared and lay still on me. I like to feel like maybe he just needed his mommy, but the second I hung up the phone, he was on Brady. Little guy just wanted to hear the answer I guess 🙂

So all in all, it really was a good day. Lazy morning at home, success in the city, good time of food and discussion with friends, and a playful, cuddly baby boy at home.

I cannot wait to have another soft little body to comfort when they get sick, or just to watch them breathe.