We’re Baaaaack!

We had SUCH a great time away, catching up with my brother, sister in law, and their two boys. Today was probably our fullest day, but it was great. We all got up at our own speeds and had baked oatmeal for breakfast. I have to say, Gracey, the entire house, upstairs and downstairs, smelled amazing the entire time we were there! Thank you for treating us so well!

Once the littlest one was up from his morning nap, we headed out to Tims, and then to Edmonton. We can’t seem to be near Edmonton without hitting up our stores. We did awesome at Ikea! We often struggle to find the balance between buying one thing or spending over $200 on…I’m not even sure. But today, we stocked up on Dekker-safe dishes, some great new toys for him, bag clips (since he’s hidden all of ours), some garbage cans to replace the tiny Dollarama ones that are in every room, a great little serving tray that I’ve been looking for, and several hundred tea lights. It was a great haul, and very few of the things we bought would be considered frivolous. I suppose I didn’t need the apron, but I don’t have one, so I think that justifies it right there. Whether I bake or not is irrelevant! Either way, the kids were super patient the entire time we moseyed through Ikea. Then they toughed out being packed back up, and removed from their seats just a few short minutes later at Bath and Body Works. The deal today was “Buy 2 Get 2 Free” which is amazing! We usually come and get their hand soaps, and often the deal is 6/$25 or something along those lines, since each soap technically costs $5.50 on its own. So today, we walked away with 7 hand soaps and one dish soap (new product!!) for less than $24! VERY pumped about that.

We haven’t even unpacked our suitcases yet, and all of the soaps are neatly arranged under the bathroom sink waiting to be used. Most of the Ikea stuff is dispersed as well, minus the toys that – of course – need to be assembled still. But I’m really looking forward to tomorrow. I LOVE putting away new stuff and getting my house in order around my new things. Even when they’re little and no one would notice them, I love a bargain and a new treat.

Our drive home felt long, and sadly, Dekker didn’t sleep much at all. He was exhausted by the end, but not in the beginning 🙂

IMG_0590If anyone was going to share the backseat with him, today would have been the day! He was SOOO friendly!

IMG_0592Something about this expression reminds me of me, maybe making fun of someone? Just that eyebrow, its somehow saying “um…did you just say that?!”

IMG_0599Ok, I recognize this picture doesn’t look like much, but this was the part where Deks was looking at himself in the mirror in this book and giggling at himself. Over and over and over again. By the time I thought to take a video, it was over. Sad.

IMG_0601And this is the part where Dekker stuck his foot through the hole in the book that you see in the last picture. Someone was getting bored I guess.

But he was a total champ. He was pretty quiet besides a few teary moments that were cleared up on the spot with some Marianas Trench. He started talking like mad as soon as we started driving through our town. He must have recognized the houses and trees because he was a crazy little chatterbox from then until he fell asleep. Sooo happy to be home it seems.

And I’m sure everyone can understand that sentiment. While visiting and being away is so fun, and sometimes really necessary (sure was for us this time!) it is also really nice to be home.

One last picture of my shockingly gorgeous son…

IMG_0595Good night everybody.