Five Years, Baby!

As of today, my husband and I have been married for five years! I know five years isn’t a lot, but it feels like we’ve accomplished tons in those years, and come a very long way together! Its true that getting married young has its challenges, but doesn’t getting married at all have challenges?? I’d say so. I always heard people say you don’t know who you are when you’re young, and that you risk growing up into different people. I hung onto my belief that people who have entered into a marriage relationship promise to work through “clashes,” and I was confident that my husband and I would grow up together! I am proud to say that Brady and I have yet to grow up, and its pretty amazing 🙂 

Brady had to work today, and will work a full day tomorrow too. He brought me home a beautiful flower arrangement, care of Grower Direct, and some Starbucks. We ordered food for dinner and will be enjoying wine and chocolate dipped strawberries in the tub this evening. Isn’t it funny how, so often, we celebrate with food? Or maybe its just us… If you don’t, you should probably try it. I hear there is a date night planned for Sunday, but I know nothing about it yet. I feel like my mind is so full of thoughts of the upcoming week already, that celebrating is a bit of a stretch, but whether we go away on a trip or just have a nice soak in the evening together, I still love my husband just as much. 

I had a lovely, lazy day with the kids, and with Brady coming home at a good time. I’ll spend tomorrow with my mom and then Sunday is still the unknown. 

I hope everyone had a beautiful day as well.

Feb 7, 2009 - Best day of my life.
Feb 7, 2009 – Best day of my life.

I’m so proud of you guys! You are so right for each other!  HAppy Anniversay.  xoxoxo Mom