
I don’t really know what to call this post. I feel like milestones are almost always things we look forward to in a positive way. However, Laela began a stage that is very common in children that I don’t look forward to. Today, for the first time ever, my baby girl made strange. To my mom, of all people! I’ve noticed she’s become a bit more hesitant of others recently. For instance, when Dr. Mike picked her up the other day, she immediately stuck out her bottom lip. Just before she combusted, however, he noticed, and just a bit of his cuddles and talking solved the problem. But today, she just wouldn’t have it, and cried! It made me so sad 🙁 So I don’t think making strange counts as a milestone, but it is an expected stage, right? Crazy day.

I can tell Dekker knows something is coming. In the last few days, if we’re walking around the house for whatever reason, he’ll kind of rush to get in front of me, hold his hands out until I stop, and quietly request “Up?” When I pick him up, he lays his head on my shoulder and cuddles me so softly. We go back and forth between that and grumpus. He was pretty hands on all day, but the last hour of the evening was cute and fun. I went upstairs for something and I hear Dekker downstairs with Brady, shouting playfully “Mom! Mom” over and over again. I came downstairs and he begged “Run!” So I chased him around the basement while he laughed like a madman until he couldn’t run anymore. Good thing, because I was whooped too. I went to sit down and the second my butt hit the couch, “Mom! Run!” I had a moment of sighing, and not wanting to get up. But how long have I waited to hear him call me mom and request that I play with him?! Sooo long! So I got up and kicked a ball around with him until bedtime. Once we started collecting our stuff to go upstairs, he didn’t fuss. He just came up to me and sweetly asked “Up?” Of course. No tears for bedtime today. It was sweet. While Brady changed his diaper, we played with numbed and counted to ten over and over. He’s just become interested in counting, and is big on 2, 4, and 6, but thats about it. We worked and worked and finally got him to repeat them all after we said them. It went like this: “Wan. Flute. Flute. Flute. Five Sit. Sev. Eight. Nine. TEN!” He is such a funny guy. I love him.

Anyway, thats the end of my cute stories for the day. Only now are Brady and I thinking about supper, since he go home later than usual. Come to me, chicken and potatoes!


* Again, for those who pray, Dekker’s surgery is February 11th at 9:15am. Anytime you think of us, you know what to do!