Five Years with Cher

I posted about our friendaversary a little while ago, when Cher and I went to see the Anne of Green Gables ballet. It was a really good celebration 💜 Not only because the event was awesome and a fun first for both of us, but because the five years of being friends has also been really really wonderful.

I don’t know many friends who have survived as many bumps in the road as we have, and come through it better than ever. By the grace of God, we have been protected, and we are stronger and closer friends than we’ve ever been. Cher is my sister 💜 There is no denying that. Anyone who knows either of us knows this.

There is continued effort pouring into positive changes, individually and together. Our friendship is a committed familial unconditionally loving relationship, and while there is a LOT of work that goes into it, that is where our depth comes from. Praise the Lord for likeminded, equally yoked people finding one another and sticking together!

Happy Friendaversary, sweet girl! My beautiful best friend! I love you and I like you 💜 Thank you for joining our family the way you have. It was good to have breakfast all together this morning 💜

So many breakfasts, whipped coffees, snugs, walks, chats, crafternoons, bees, raspberries, and years to come 😘😘😘